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   BEA WebLogic Server 6.0 Release Notes :   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   


Notes and Problems


The following sections describe general issues and levels of support for this release:

SNMP Support

The WebLogic SNMP agent is not included in the first general availability release of WebLogic Server 6.0. The agent is being enhanced and is scheduled to be delivered in a future release.

Platform Support

See our Platforms Support Page for the most accurate and current information regarding platform support.

Standards Support





















J2EE Servlet








HTML Pages and Netscape

If you already have a Netscape browser running, some HTML pages will not display. For example, if you select the About WebLogic Server page from the Start menu, and you have Netscape running and do not have Microsoft Internet Explorer, the screen may flash but the page will not display.

Clusters, DNS, and Multihoming on NT

Be aware of naming issues when using multihoming features on Windows NT in a cluster. For example, there may be naming conflicts if a cluster is running on a multihomed Windows NT machine and one of the servers in the cluster is bound to the same DNS name as the machine name. Attempts to contact that server using the DNS name in a URL may result in Windows NT converting that DNS name to any of the IP addresses of the multihomed Windows NT machine. In this case, the request may go to the wrong address.

JDBC Drivers for Oracle

Performance and functionality issues have been encountered using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle with oci816_8 on WebLogic Server.

The following table provides workarounds to these issues.

If you want to . . .

Then do this . . .


Use Resultset.wasNull on LongRaw NULL datatype

Use the WebLogic jDriver or the Oracle Thin Driver 817. This was fixed for the jDriver with Service Pack 1 for WebLogic Server.

This driver works in preliminary tests, but BEA does not yet fully support Oracle Thin Driver 817.

Change memory usage

Use new environment variable WL_ORA_CONN_HANDLES

The WebLogic jDriver for Oracle preallocates fixed number of login data structures when driver loaded; the default is 512. The allocation is static. You can either reduce or increase this number, depending on your memory requirements and number of connections needed.


Use the WebLogic jDriver for Oracle

The Oracle Thin Driver 816 does not support transactions. Known Oracle bug. XA Resource Manager does not accept a foreign XID implementation.

Oracle Thin Driver 817 has XA threading issues. When running multiple transactions in multiple threads in parallel, WebLogic Server may hang.

Known Problems

The following sections describe known problems with this software release. BEA is addressing these issues.

Documentation Known Problems

Change Request Number



Additional user information is required when converting files for use with WebLogic Server 6.0. When you choose the root directory for your previous WebLogic server installation, two dialog boxes are displayed. The first box is used to select the servers and the second can be used to select clusters, if any. The conversion proceeds normally if no clusters are selected.

Classloader Known Problems

Change Request Number


CR097716, CR050793

HTTP session failover does not work if you store a serializable object in the HTTP session and place the class file for the object in the WEB-INF/classes directory, unless you place the class file in the server's classpath.

EJB Known Problems

Change Request Number



The maximum number of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) that can be deployed on the server is 390. This is due to a Sun bug and is a limitiation caused by the 1.3 JDK; it may be fixed by the 1.3.1 release of the JDK. The Sun Bug ID is: 4390238


The run-as-specified-identity tag is not supported.


The weblogic.ejbc utility displays a confusing error message with <prim-key>/<primkey-field>:

In EJB AccountBean, the primary key class java.lang.String has a field named CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER which is static. No field in the primary key class may be static.

If you have set a <prim-key-class> to java.lang.String without specifying a <primkey-field> you may get this message. This error is technically correct; but is confusing. It means that weblogic.ejbc expects that each field in java.lang.String corresponds to a primary-key field in your bean class.


To deploy EJB 2.0 beans, you must download ejb20.jar from BEA Systems and place the jar file in the $WL_HOME/lib directory. If it is copied to a different location, the CLASSPATH used to boot the server must be appended to include the ejb20.jar file. If you attempt to deploy an EJB 2.0 bean without ejb20.jar, the server throws an EJB 2.0 license exception. The exception is as follows:

$$$$$$$$$ License Exception $$$$$$$$$$

Unable to start EJB Service, EJB 2.0 has not been enabled.
$$$$$$$$$ License Exception $$$$$$$$$$

If you display EJBs deployed in the Administration Console, the EJB2.0 bean is shown as deployed, but is not actually deployed. Any operations on the EJB2.0 bean may result in exceptions being thrown.


Deploying Message-Driven Beans into a full cluster through the Console's "Clusters" panel is broken. It is necessary to specify each server individually as a target through the "servers" panel.


In order to run against WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2, EJB 1.1 applications must be recompiled against the Service Pack 2 class libraries. You need to run ejbc once the Service Pack has been installed.

Examples and Pet Store Demo Known Problems

Change Request Number



Using UNIX, the config/petstore/ script has been modified to use the Hotspot VM on HP. This is a workaround for a bug in the HP client VM. The Service Pack installer will overwrite the existing file. If you have made any changes to this file, your changes will be lost.


The ejbmanagedclient.jsp relies on a variable that is set to t3://localhost:7001 and does not get the port number dynamically.

So when the page is called, the page gets requested but cannot find the server. The exception is thrown, although the stack trace is not printed out. The page shows up as:


Customers running this example on a different port then 7001, will need to edit the jsp file.

The variable you must edit is in this section:

<!-- Here, we declare a class method -->
String pagetitle = "JSP example using EJBean-managed persistence";
String url = "t3://localhost:7001";

Edit the URL to point to the correct server/port number that has been installed.


The doumentation included with the WebLogic Server 6.0 WAP examples has not been updated correctly and contains errors. This will be adressed in a future release.


The setExamplesEnv script provided with installations of Service Pack upgrades for WebLogic Server 6.0 has errors. JAVA_HOME was set to the wrong directory and as a result, javac will not be found when the script is run. Work around this problem by manually setting the PATH and saving the file. There is also a problem after you run the script. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not being set in the environment. This causes an UnsatisfiedLinkError when you try to load shared libararies. The work around is to explicitlyexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=........

Installer Known Problems

Change Request Number



This following misleading error message occurs when there is not enough temp space to run the installer:

Preparing to install...

The included VM could not be extracted. Please try to download the installer again and make sure that you download using 'binary' mode. Please do not attempt to install this currently downloaded copy.

By default the installer tries to unpack all the installer files in the /temp directory. If there isn't enough space there, you cannot install and will get this message: You must make room in the /temp directory for the installer files.


After choosing the Customize option during installation, you are prompted to choose the components to be installed:

Please Choose the Components to be installed by this installer.

    1- Program Files

    2- Samples


Entering 1, 2 or "1,2" results in a partial installation. You must use syntax such as 1,2. Also, problems have been encountered when you choose to install only the Samples.


Installation problems can occur on HP-UX and Solaris machines because shared libraries do not have execute permission. File permission changes made by the WebLogic Server installer are reverted by installer-imposed standard attributes. Work around the problem by issuing the chmod +x command on all the shared library objects (under lib/hpux11 and lib/solaris).


If you are getting the following error on Solaris 2.6 or 2.7 UNIX systems:

UnsatisfiedLinkError in AWT applications (
open failed: No such file for directory).
The policytool will not open. The Java Plug-in Control Panel will not open.

Usually you can work around this problem by modifying the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example:



In some cases with the files, you may not be able to fix this problem and require a patch from Sun: see for Sun's patch information.

JavaMail Known Problems

Change Request Number



The default configuration files for JavaMail are not present in the weblogic.jar. To work around this problem, download JavaMail 1.2 from and add the new mail.jar to the WebLogic Server classpath before weblogic.jar. Unlike JavaMail 1.1.3, which is included in weblogic.jar, JavaMail 1.2 includes the POP3 provider from Sun. See the JavaMail 1.2 documentation on the Sun Web site for news about other new features in JavaMail 1.2.

JDBC and jDrivers Known Problems

Change Request Number



There were dbKona problems with QueryDataSet and the OCI805_8 driver. The problems have been fixed on Windows NT, but this is still a problem on HPUX and Solaris.


There were problems enabling OS authentication and using Oracle 8.1.6/oci8 with the jDriver. This has been fixed on NT and HP-UX, but still is an issue on Solaris. An error message now reports this problem: OS level authentication is not currently supported due to a defect in OCI 8 libraries.


Using PreparedStatement.setBlob or PreparedStatement.setClob causes a ClassCastException.


Cluster hanging problems have been observed in some instances on Solaris machines. This appears to be caused by a libthread deadlock between SIGALRM and SIGLWP. The deadlock manifests itself when the server is attempting a JDBC connection. To help avoid the problem, set the InitialCapacity attribute equal to the MaxCapacity attribute in the JDBCConnectionPool entry using the Administration Console.

A similar problem was previously logged as a Sun Microsystems Bug (ID 4141709 libthread deadlock between SIGALRM and SIGLWP), against Solaris 2.6. There is currently no mention of the problem for Solaris 2.7. For Solaris 2.6, the patch for this problem is 105569-16.


Programmatically defined (not through the Console--through JdbcServices) Connection Pools are not working. This issue is being worked on for a future release.


Oracle offers several non-standard (not approved by Sun) extensions to JDBC:

  • OracleConnection

  • OracleStatement

  • OracleResultSet

  • OraclePreparedStatement

  • OracleCallableStatement

    If a user attempts to use these classes within an application that gets its connection using WebLogic Server JDBC, they will not work.


Oracle offers the support of its own class of Array (oracle.sql.Array) through its ThinDriver. If you attempt to use these classes in an application that gets its connection using WebLogic Server JDBC, they will not work.

JMS Known Problems

Change Request Number



If a pre-6.0 WebLogic Server is shut down when it has active database operations, after upgrading to 6.0 some durable consumers may receive messages that were sent to the topic after the durable subscriptions were created.

Problems can occur with unstable topic messages. The state in the database is not updated by the scavenger when the server is killed. The messages are still UNSTABLE when they are supposed to be stable. When the new server starts, all unstable messages are re-published to all durable subscribers that did not acknowledge to the old server. The problem is that durable subscribers do not have a timestamp recorded indicating when they are created. Therefore, there is no way to know which was created first, a particular message or a durable subscription.

Before shutting down the pre-6.0 WebLogic Server and upgrading to WebLogic Server 6.0, give the scavenger time to update the database. Shut down the server gracefully and never stop the server when it is in the process of sending or receiving messages.


According to the JMS 1.02 Specification, a received message can not be modified. For StreamMessage and BytesMessage safeguards exist against writing over received message. However, no protection exists for the other message types.

Users need to implement safeguards against overwriting messages of other types.

JSP Known Problems

Change Request Number



The following error message may be received when compiling JSP files on a UNIX machine:

failed: Not enough space

If you receive this message, try any, or all, of the three steps below:

1. Add more RAM if only you have only 256M.

2. Raise the file descriptor limit, for example:
set rlim_fd_max = 4096
set rlim_fd_cur = 1024

3. Use the -native flag to use native threads when starting the JVM.


Forwarding a JSP page does not work. For example, the following commands do not work correctly:

jsp2 RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("jsp2"); rd.forward(request, response);

To work around this problem, forward pages using the JSP tag (jsp:forward).


Several new options have been added to the WebLogic JSP compiler (weblogic.jspc). These new options allow for compiling JSPs that use EJBs in Web Applications. For details, see JSP Descriptor Element.


The precompile option defined in the <jsp-descriptor> element of the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor for a Web Application is no longer available.


Setting precompilation of JSPs in the web.xml deployment descriptor by setting weblogic.jsp.precompile to true only precompiles JSPs if the Web Application containing the JSPs is deployed in exploded directory format.

JTA Known Problems

Change Request Number



The BeforeCompletionIterationLimit may appear to be reached prematurely. Increase the BeforeCompletionIterationLimit attribute to be greater than or equal to the maximum number of servers expected to participate in a single transaction.


According to the JTA spec documentation of setTransactionTimeout():

"seconds: The value of the timeout in seconds. If the value is zero, the transaction service restores the default value."

If the value is zero, WebLogic Server is not resetting the default value.

Operations and Management Known Problems

Change Request Number



The application directory list used to scan for deployments is not persistent. Multiple application directories are not supported.


If an application's deployment status is set to false on the command line, the console still shows the application as deployed, even when restarting or refreshing the browser the console is running in.


When you reset an MBean name, the configuration is not saved correctly. To work around this problem:

  1. In the Administration Console, clone the MBean.

  2. Rename the clone.

  3. Delete the original MBean.


Occasionally, after making modifications in the Administration Console, WebLogic Server cannot be restarted and a Fatal initialization exception Throwable: weblogic.server.ServiceFailureException: Initializing JNDI: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is Unknown protocol: 'Protocol: 'unknown''] message is displayed.


JSP exceptions are not correctly propagated to the Administration Console.


In the Administration Console, the Jolt/WLEC Pool | Monitoring link is broken. (Jolt is not supported in 6.0, but WLEC is.)


If Managed Server(s) are communicating via HTTPS with the Administration Server, the discovery of Managed Servers does not work. For example, if the Administration Server is restarted with the command line argument and the running Managed Servers were booted with the<adminhost>:<adminport> argument, then the discovery of Managed Servers does not work.

Workaround: When Managed Servers are booted with an HTTPS connection to the Administration Server, do not restart the Administration Server with the argument.

Instead, do the following:

1. Restart the Administration Server without the discover flag.

2. Once the Administration Server is booted, force discovery by the Admin Server by running the following command:

java weblogic.Admin -url <ADMINHOST>:<ADMINPORT> -username system -password <SYSTEM-PASSWORD>

INVOKE -mbean "<YOURDOMAIN>:Type=Domain,Name=<YOURDOMAIN>" -method discoverManagedServers


WebLogic Server logs an error when an application that does not exist is undeployed.


Errors that occur in WebLogic Server before the kernel, administration, and logging are initialized should go to the servername-startup.log file. A message at the end of the startup file (close msg) indicates that post-initialization messages from this server will be in the regular log file. The first message in the regular log file also points to the startup file. However, several confusing things may happen:

Sometimes the close msg is logged in the beginning of the regular log file, and the next message may point the user to the regular log file for errors at startup time.

Thus, two startup log files may be created -weblogic.log and servername-startup.log3.

When a component has pre-initialization errors, that component may keep logging in the same startup log file even after the regular log file is being used by the rest of the server.


In the Administration Console under Web Applications, when you click Console sometimes two Console nodes appear. Clicking on the second node does not result in an error.


When you start a managed server that has been cloned, it throws a ConfigurationException. The workaround is to create a server instead of cloning it.


An .ear file can only be undeployed using the Administration Console once it has been exploded under the applications directory. Also, once the application is undeployed, the only way it can be redeployed is through the Administration Console.


Attempting to start a server as a Managed Server when it is already running as an Administration Server results in the following misleading error:

<Dec 8, 2000 7:44:02 PM PST> <Error> <Configuration Management> <Error connecting to admin server and initializing admin home: admin URL: t3://localhost:7001


Workaround: This is incorrect usage. The same server cannot be started as an Administration Server and a Managed Server. Define a new server for your Managed Server, and specify its name in -Dweblogic.Name during startup.


Managed Servers in the same domain can hang if started simultaneously. Delay about 30 seconds before starting each Managed Server.


If you deploy an EJB using weblogic.deploy, it copies the .jar file to the applications directory. The .jar file cannot be removed from the applications directory. Attempts to remove the .jar file result in the following message:

C:\weblogic\dev\src\tools\weblogic\qa\tests\config\mydomain\applications>rm matt.jar
rm: cannot unlink entry "matt.jar": The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.


A server startup error occurs after you create a WLEC Connection pool using the Administration Console. As a workaround for this problem, edit CLASSPATH to add wleorb.jar and wlepool.jar.

On Windows NT machines, edit %WL_HOME%\config\mydomain\startAdminWebLogic.cmd.Add .\lib\wleorb.jar;.\lib\wlepool.jar to CLASSPATH.

On UNIX machines, edit $WL_HOME/config/mydomain/ Add $WL_HOME/lib/wleorb.jar:$WL_HOME/lib/wlepool.jar to the CLASSPATH.


While the Administration Server is running, copying an existing .jar or .ear file to an applications directory does not redeploy the application. The following error is displayed in the server log:

javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: Can't rebind anything but a replica-aware stub to a name that is currently bound to a replica-aware stub; remaining name '' <Dec 12, 2000 12:09:37 PM PST> <Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application <YOUR-EJB-NAME>: Could not deploy: '<YOUR-FILE-NAME>': JNDI name in use

Make sure that either the guest user or the everyone group is granted lookup permission to weblogic.jndi. The file should contain the following: acl.lookup.weblogic.jndi=everyone


The attribute SingleThreadedServletPoolSize is not settable through the Administration Console. You can, however, define this attribute in your config.xml file, under the WebAppComponent element. The default value for this attribute is 5 and sets the initial number of servlet instances that are created on server startup when using the Single Thread Model for HTTP servlets.


When creating topics dynamically using the JMSHelper class methods, as described in Developing a WebLogic JMS Application the configuration information that is generated is invalid.


If the username property is set from the weblogic.Admin or weblogic.Server command lines, the username must be "system". Note however, that the username syntax is retained to prevent breaking a user's scripts. The username may not be modified in the config.xml file. The property value must be the system password.


Configuring HTTP access log rotation by date or by size does not function. You must rotate HTTP access logs manually.


Using the console, the auto update interval value cannot be changed. If you enter a new number in the `Auto Update Interval' tab, and click "Apply" an error message is displayed and the value is not modified.


An MBeanHome obtained from the Administration Server at"."+<adminServerName> returns all MBeans in the entire domain--the home is identical to the administrative mbean home available at

Workaround: To select the run-time or configuration MBeans only relevant to the Administration Server, filter the object names in which Location=<adminServerName>. The value of 'Location' can be obtained by invoking: mbean.getObjectName().getLocation().

Plug-In Known Problems

Change Request Number



If you are running IIS (with the WebLogic plug-in) on Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6, crashes may occur when shutting down the IIS server. It is not known yet if the problem is due to the plug-in or NT4.0 SP5/SP6.


The domestic strength plug-ins are not available with the Service Pack upgrade. However, they are available with the full installers of WebLogic Server 6.0 that include the Service Pack. If you wish to have the 128 bit plug-ins, as well as the latest Service Pack you will have to download a full installer (WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2) and place it in a BEA home different than your existing BEA home. Then you will have to move your configuration files and applications to the new BEA home. Also, installation of domestic strength plug-ins (128-bit) requires the presence of a license enabled for domestic strength SSL on the target machine. This license must reside in the BEA Home directory prior to installation.

Server Known Problems

Change Request Number



WebLogic Server may hang when used with the HotSpot server VM on Windows NT or Windows 2000. Use the HotSpot client VM on Windows NT or Windows 2000 instead.


Specifying the root directory when starting the server does not work when the root directory is not under a /config directory. The server always looks for a config directory in the current directory. To work around, the server should be started from the directory which contains config/domainName/...


If your servlet makes an HTTP connection back to the same server there is the possibility of deadlock under load. To work around the problem, use a separate execute queue for the servlet that returns the DTD.


Some inconsistencies exist in the order in which EAR module components are deployed. This problem is being addressed.


The weblogic.Admin command now requires the user and password options. For example:

java weblogic.Admin -username system -password gumby1234

The username "system" is required for most functions (for example: VERSION). If you do not specify -username system, you will get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied in realm weblogic

<<no stack trace available>>


Web-Applications in an open directory structure being redployed after installing Service Pack one may cause an `application not found' error to occur. To solve this problem, make sure your config.xml the absolute path to your web application; you cannot use a relative path such as Path="/webapp".

Servlet Known Problems

Change Request Number



Cookies generated by the first release of WebLogic Server 6.0 are not recognized by any later version of WebLogic Server 6.0.


The CGI-Servlet does not work when being called from a Web-Application deployed as a .war file, or when the CGI is registered in a Web-Application and the "cgiDir" parameter points to a relative path.


When using form-based authentication, an HTTP session object is created when an HTTP authentication form is served. Therefore, the session.isNew() method always returns false after authentication.


Several new columns have been added to the database table used for JDBC session persistence. For more information, see Using a Database for Persistent Storage.


Web Application authentication is now valid for all Web Applications deployed in a WebLogic Server domain. This behavior, which enables you to use a single sign on for all Web Applications in a domain, is mandated by the Servlet 2.2 specification from Sun Microsystems. Therefore, a user authenticated in one Web Application is authenticated for all Web Applications in the domain.

As a consequence of this behavior, you can no longer use the session.invalidate() method to log out a user from all Web Applications. A user is logged out of all Web Applications after all sessions in all Web Applications have timed out, when the cookie expires, or if the session.invalidate() method is called in every Web Application that a user has visited.


When using the HttpClusterServlet to proxy HTTP requests to a cluster of WebLogic Servers, do not deploy any Web Applications other than the Web Application that contains the HttpClusterServlet on the server that is proxying requests to the cluster.

Utilities Known Problems

Change Request Number



The default access control lists (ACLs) resulting from the conversion of files may be incomplete. After converting your file,use the Administration Console to make sure the security settings are the appropriate ones for your environment.

XML Known Problems

Change Request Number



WebLogic Server does not support namespaces in the XML registry.


The javax.xml.*.parse(File) method in Apache's implementation of the JAXP classes in Xerces 1.2.0 is broken. The broken method is the bundled Apache jar file, not in the built-in Xerces parser. WebLogic's implementation of this method is correct.

To work around this problem, be sure to specify the WebLogic JAXP jar file (WLS_HOME/lib/xmlx.jar) in your CLASSPATH before you specify the bundled Xerces jar file.


The Xerces parser serializer bundled with WebLogic Server does not support multi-byte encodings, such as Shift_JIS or EUC-JP.


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