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   Using the WebLogic JDBC t3 Driver:   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   


Using the WebLogic JDBC t3 Driver




1. Using the WebLogic JDBC t3 Driver (Deprecated)

T3 Driver Deprecated

Overview of JDBC

WebLogic JDBC Architecture

Using Third-Party JDBC 2.0 Drivers in a Multitier Configuration

The WebLogic JDBC API

API Reference

WebLogic JDBC Objects and Their Classes

Other Classes

Upgrading to JDK 1.3

How to upgrade

Implementing WebLogic JDBC

Step 1. Importing packages

Step 2. Creating the T3Client

Step 3. Setting properties for connecting

Step 4. Connecting to the DBMS

Cached Connections and Connection Pools

Using Connection Pools

Creating a Startup Connection Pool

Creating a Dynamic Connection Pool

Obtaining a Connection from a Connection Pool

Managing Connection Pools

Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Records

Creating and Using Stored Procedures and Functions

Final Step. Closing the Connection and Disconnecting the T3Client

Code Summary

Other WebLogic JDBC Features

Waiting on Oracle Resources

Extended SQL

Oracle Array Fetches

Multibyte Character Set Support

About WebLogic JDBC and Oracle NUMBER Columns

Implementing with WebLogic JDBC and the JDBC-ODBC Bridge

Step 1. Importing packages

Step 2. Creating the T3Client

Step 3. Connecting

Accessing Data

Exception Handling

Final Step. Disconnecting and Closing Objects

Code Summary

Using URLs to Set Properties For a JDBC Connection Using the T3 Driver

Where URLs are Used

How WebLogic URLs are Structured

Specifying a Connection with a Properties Object and a URL

Specifying a WebLogic JDBC Connection with a Single URL


Quoting Metacharacters in a URL

Using IDEs and Wizards


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