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   Using WebLogic Workspaces:   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   


Using WebLogic Workspaces




Using WebLogic Workspaces (Deprecated)

Deprecation of Workspaces API


Overview of Workspaces


Overview of the WebLogic Workspace API

Implementing with WebLogic Workspaces

Getting access to Workspaces

Creating, leaving, and reentering Workspaces

Using a Workspace ID to create and reenter a Workspace

Using a Workspace name to create and reenter a Workspace

Using named Workspaces to store and fetch objects

Converting from the old model to the new

Using Workspace Monitors

Types of Monitors

How Monitors work

Writing a Monitor

Adding a Monitor to a Workspace

Monitor Examples

Example 1. Restricting the range of a Workspace value

Example 2. Triggering an event with a Monitor

Example 3. Mirroring Workspace values in another Workspace

Example 4. Altering a Workspace value with a Master Monitor

Removing a Monitor from a Workspace

Setting up ACLs for Workspaces in the WebLogic Realm


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