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   Programming WebLogic XML:   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   |  Index


XML Reference


The following sections describe the XML specifications, application programming interfaces (APIs), and tools supported by WebLogic Server:

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification

The W3C Recommendation for XML provides the following abstract:

"The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset of SGML that is completely described in this document. Its goal is to enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for ease of implementation and for interoperability with both SGML and HTML."

The Recommendation is available at the following URL:

The complete XML specification is available at

Simple API for XML (SAX) 1.0

The SAX API is platform-independent and language-neutral. It is a standard interface for event-based XML parsing that was developed collaboratively by the members of the XML-DEV mailing list.

SAX applications process an XML document by creating a parser object and associating handlers with XML events. Once these tasks are done, the parser can read through the document as events occur, and pass them to the handlers. Events represent the entities within the document, such as start of document, end of document, start of element, and end of element. The SAX interface provides a simple coding model and is useful for processing XML documents with a relatively simple hierarchical structure. Hence, the SAX interface provides what is required by the bundled parser to parse XML documents. For links to the Javadoc for the SAX API, see Additional Resources.

Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 API

The DOM API is a platform- and language-neutral interface It allows programs and scripts to access and update the content, structure, and style of XML documents dynamically. DOM gives you access to the information stored in your XML document as a hierarchical object model, much like a tree with the document's root element as the tree's root node. Using the DOM interface, you can access different parts of XML documents, navigate through them, and make changes and additions to them.

When an application invokes a DOM parser, the parser processes the entire document, creating an in-memory object model, which the application can process in any fashion it chooses. The DOM approach is most useful for more complex documents because it does not require a developer to interpret every element. For links to the specification and Javadoc for DOM, see Additional Resources.

W3C XML Namespaces 1.0 Recommendation

WebLogic Server does support namespaces; however, in this release of WebLogic Server, the XML Registry does not support namespaces.

The following abstract is taken from the W3C XML Namespace Recommendation:

"XML namespaces provide a simple method for qualifying element and attribute names used in Extensible Markup Language documents by associating them with namespaces identified by Universal Resource Identifier (URI) references."

The XML Namespaces 1.0 Recommendation is available on the Internet at

Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) 1.0.1

JAXP is Sun's Java API for XML parsing. JAXP provides basic support for parsing and manipulating XML documents through a standardized set of Java platform APIs. Thus, applications that use JAXP to process XML documents are portable across platforms.

Note: The JAXP API does not replace either the SAX or DOM API. Instead, it adds some convenience methods that are designed to make the SAX and DOM APIs easier to use.

JAXP 1.0.1 consists of the javax.xml.parsers package. This package contains two vendor-neutral factory classes: SAXParserFactory and DocumentBuilderFactory. The JAXP 1.0.1 specification describes these classes as follows:

The JAXP specification is available on the Internet at The JAXP Javadoc is available at

Apache Xerces Java Parser API 1.2.0

The Apache Xerces Java Parser 1.2.0 package includes the API documentation for SAX and DOM, the two most common interfaces for programming XML. In addition, the parser provides documentation for classes that are not part of the SAX and DOM API's, but are useful for writing parser programs. For links to the specification and Javadoc for the Xerces parser, see Additional Resources.

Apache Xalan XML Stylesheet Language Transformer (XSLT) API 1.2

The Apache Xalan-Java version 1.2 XSLT processor is used for transforming XML documents. It implements the W3C Recommendation 16 November 1999 XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0. XSLT is a stylesheet language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents, HTML documents, or other document types. The language includes the XSL Transformation vocabulary and XPath, a language for addressing parts of an XML document. An XSL stylesheet describes how to transform the tree of nodes in the XML input into another tree of nodes.

For links to the specification and Javadoc for the Xalan XSLT processor, see Additional Resources.

Note: To use the XSLT processor, you must supply your own language extensions.

Additional Resources

This section lists various resources that are available online to help you learn about programming with WebLogic XML:

Code Examples

XML code examples and supporting documentation are included in the WebLogic Server distribution at BEA Home\wlserver6.0\samples\examples\xml, where BEA Home is the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed. The default installation directory is c:\bea\wlserver6.0\samples\examples\xml.

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