BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Class DocImpl

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DocImpl
extends Parent

Contains extended functionality that Xalan requires that is common in both the DocumentImpl and DocumentFragmentImpl classes. This leaves the DocumentImpl class free to simply implement the Document interface plus items peculiar to it.

This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project. In future releases the XML parser, XSLT processor, and associated classes will likely be updated to be based on a later version of the Apache implementations. Since Apache does not guarantee backwards compatibility between versions of their software, we cannot guarantee backwards compatibility of any of the classes contained in the weblogic.apache package or sub-packages.

Field Summary
 java.lang.Exception m_exceptionThrown
          Contains exception thrown from transformation thread, if one occured.
Fields inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.stree.Parent
m_childCount, m_posInChildList
Fields inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.stree.Child
m_doc, m_parent
Constructor Summary
          Constructor DocImpl
DocImpl(int charBufSize)
          Constructor DocImpl
Method Summary
protected  int getDocOrderCount()
          Get the number of nodes in the tree.
 boolean getUseMultiThreading()
          Tell whether or not the tree being built should handle transformation while the parse is still going on.
protected  void incrementDocOrderCount()
          Increment the document order count.
 void setUseMultiThreading(boolean b)
          Set whether or not the tree being built should handle transformation while the parse is still going on.
Methods inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.stree.Parent
appendChild, dispatchCharactersEvent, getChild, getChildCount, getChildUID, getFirstChild, getLastChild, hasChildNodes, isComplete, setComplete, throwParseError
Methods inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.stree.Child
getAttributes, getLevel, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getTagName, getTransformer, getUid, isNamespaceNode, isSupported, setAttribute, setDoc, setLevel, setParent, setUid, throwIfParseError
Methods inherited from class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.UnImplNode
appendData, cloneNode, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCDATASection, createComment, createDocumentFragment, createElement, createElementNS, createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode, deleteData, error, error, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getChildNodes, getDoctype, getDocumentElement, getElementById, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getImplementation, getLength, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerElement, getSpecified, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, hasAttributes, importNode, insertBefore, insertData, item, normalize, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceData, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setData, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setValue, splitText, substringData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.lang.Exception m_exceptionThrown
Contains exception thrown from transformation thread, if one occured.
Constructor Detail


public DocImpl()
Constructor DocImpl


public DocImpl(int charBufSize)
Constructor DocImpl
Method Detail


protected void incrementDocOrderCount()
Increment the document order count. Needs to be called when a child is added.


protected int getDocOrderCount()
Get the number of nodes in the tree. Needs to be called when a child is added.

The number of children in the tree.


public void setUseMultiThreading(boolean b)
Set whether or not the tree being built should handle transformation while the parse is still going on.

b - true if the transformation is working off of a secondary thread, false otherwise.


public boolean getUseMultiThreading()
Tell whether or not the tree being built should handle transformation while the parse is still going on.

true if the transformation is working off of a secondary thread, false otherwise.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.