BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Class WhiteSpace


public class WhiteSpace
extends Child

Right now this is the same as TextImpl. Not sure what I want to do with this, but it certainly seems like there should be some way to optimize the storage of whitespace nodes.

This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project. In future releases the XML parser, XSLT processor, and associated classes will likely be updated to be based on a later version of the Apache implementations. Since Apache does not guarantee backwards compatibility between versions of their software, we cannot guarantee backwards compatibility of any of the classes contained in the weblogic.apache package or sub-packages.

Fields inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.stree.Child
m_doc, m_parent
Constructor Summary
WhiteSpace(DocumentImpl doc, char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Constructor WhiteSpace
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getData()
          Retrieve character data currently stored in this node.
 int getLength()
          Report number of characters currently stored in this node's data.
 java.lang.String getLocalName()
          Returns the local part of the qualified name of this node.
 java.lang.String getNodeName()
          Returns the node name.
 short getNodeType()
          A short integer indicating what type of node this is.
 java.lang.String getNodeValue()
          Text associated with this node
Methods inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.stree.Child
dispatchCharactersEvent, getAttributes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLevel, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getTagName, getTransformer, getUid, hasChildNodes, isComplete, isNamespaceNode, isSupported, setAttribute, setComplete, setDoc, setLevel, setParent, setUid, throwIfParseError, throwParseError
Methods inherited from class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.UnImplNode
appendChild, appendData, cloneNode, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCDATASection, createComment, createDocumentFragment, createElement, createElementNS, createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode, deleteData, error, error, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getChildNodes, getDoctype, getDocumentElement, getElementById, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getImplementation, getOwnerElement, getSpecified, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, hasAttributes, importNode, insertBefore, insertData, item, normalize, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceData, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setData, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setValue, splitText, substringData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WhiteSpace(DocumentImpl doc,
                  char[] ch,
                  int start,
                  int length)
Constructor WhiteSpace

doc - Document object
ch - Array containing whitespace data
start - Start of data in array
length - Length of data in array
Method Detail


public short getNodeType()
A short integer indicating what type of node this is. The named constants for this value are defined in the org.w3c.dom.Node interface.

TEXT_NODE node type
getNodeType in class UnImplNode


public java.lang.String getNodeName()
Returns the node name.

Text node name
getNodeName in class UnImplNode


public java.lang.String getLocalName()
Returns the local part of the qualified name of this node.
For nodes created with a DOM Level 1 method, such as createElement from the Document interface, it is null.

Text node name
getLocalName in class Child


public java.lang.String getData()
Retrieve character data currently stored in this node.

Text associated with this node
DOMExcpetion(DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR) - In some implementations, the stored data may exceed the permitted length of strings. If so, getData() will throw this DOMException advising the user to instead retrieve the data in chunks via the substring() operation.


public int getLength()
Report number of characters currently stored in this node's data. It may be 0, meaning that the value is an empty string.

Length of text associated with this node
getLength in class UnImplNode


public java.lang.String getNodeValue()
Text associated with this node

Text associated with this node
getNodeValue in class UnImplNode

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.