BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Interface TransformState

All Known Implementing Classes:
QueuedStartElement, ResultTreeHandler, TransformerImpl

public interface TransformState

This interface is meant to be used by a consumer of SAX2 events produced by Xalan, and enables the consumer to get information about the state of the transform. It is primarily intended as a tooling interface. A content handler can get a reference to a TransformState by implementing the TransformerClient interface. Xalan will check for that interface before it calls startDocument, and, if it is implemented, pass in a TransformState reference to the setTransformState method.

Note that the current stylesheet and root stylesheet can be retrieved from the ElemTemplateElement obtained from either getCurrentElement() or getCurrentTemplate().

This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project. In future releases the XML parser, XSLT processor, and associated classes will likely be updated to be based on a later version of the Apache implementations. Since Apache does not guarantee backwards compatibility between versions of their software, we cannot guarantee backwards compatibility of any of the classes contained in the weblogic.apache package or sub-packages.

Method Summary
 org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator getContextNodeList()
          Get the current context node list.
 ElemTemplateElement getCurrentElement()
          Retrieves the stylesheet element that produced the SAX event.
 org.w3c.dom.Node getCurrentNode()
          This method retrieves the current context node in the source tree.
 ElemTemplate getCurrentTemplate()
          This method retrieves the xsl:template that is in effect, which may be a matched template or a named template.
 org.w3c.dom.Node getMatchedNode()
          Retrieves the node in the source tree that matched the template obtained via getMatchedTemplate().
 ElemTemplate getMatchedTemplate()
          This method retrieves the xsl:template that was matched.
 javax.xml.transform.Transformer getTransformer()
          Get the TrAX Transformer object in effect.

Method Detail


public ElemTemplateElement getCurrentElement()
Retrieves the stylesheet element that produced the SAX event.

Please note that the ElemTemplateElement returned may be in a default template, and thus may not be defined in the stylesheet.

the stylesheet element that produced the SAX event.


public org.w3c.dom.Node getCurrentNode()
This method retrieves the current context node in the source tree.

the current context node in the source tree.


public ElemTemplate getCurrentTemplate()
This method retrieves the xsl:template that is in effect, which may be a matched template or a named template.

Please note that the ElemTemplate returned may be a default template, and thus may not have a template defined in the stylesheet.

the xsl:template that is in effect


public ElemTemplate getMatchedTemplate()
This method retrieves the xsl:template that was matched. Note that this may not be the same thing as the current template (which may be from getCurrentElement()), since a named template may be in effect.

Please note that the ElemTemplate returned may be a default template, and thus may not have a template defined in the stylesheet.

the xsl:template that was matched.


public org.w3c.dom.Node getMatchedNode()
Retrieves the node in the source tree that matched the template obtained via getMatchedTemplate().

the node in the source tree that matched the template obtained via getMatchedTemplate().


public org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator getContextNodeList()
Get the current context node list.

the current context node list.


public javax.xml.transform.Transformer getTransformer()
Get the TrAX Transformer object in effect.

the TrAX Transformer object in effect.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.