BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity

Interface Summary
FieldActivator Interface for a field activator.
ValueStore Interface for storing values associated to an identity constraint.

Class Summary
Field Schema identity constraint field.
Field.XPath Field XPath.
IdentityConstraint Base class of Schema identity constraint.
Key Schema key identity constraint.
KeyRef Schema key reference identity constraint.
Selector Schema identity constraint selector.
Selector.XPath Schema identity constraint selector XPath expression.
Unique Schema unique identity constraint.
XPath Bare minimum XPath parser.
XPath.Axis Axis.
XPath.LocationPath A location path representation for an XPath expression.
XPath.NodeTest Node test.
XPath.Step A location path step comprised of an axis and node test.
XPathMatcher XPath matcher.

Exception Summary
XPathException XPath exception.

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