BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.apache.xpath.axes

Interface Summary
ContextNodeList Classes who implement this interface can be a current node list, also refered to here as a context node list.
SubContextList A class that implements this interface is a sub context node list, meaning it is a node list for a location path step for a predicate.

Class Summary
AncestorOrSelfWalker Walker for the 'ancestor-or-self' axes.
AncestorWalker Walker for the 'ancestor' axes.
AttributeIterator This class implements an optimized iterator for attribute axes patterns.
AttributeWalker Walker for the 'attribute' axes.
AttributeWalkerOneStep This walker should be used when the walker is at the end of a location path, or is the only step.
AxesWalker Serves as common interface for axes Walkers, and stores common state variables.
ChildIterator This class implements an optimized iterator for "node()" patterns, that is, any children of the context node.
ChildTestIterator This class implements an optimized iterator for children patterns that have a node test, and possibly a predicate.
ChildWalker Walker for the 'child' axes.
ChildWalkerMultiStep A child walker multistep is created while only child steps are found.
ChildWalkerOneStep Walker to use when we only have one step, but it has a predicate.
DescendantIterator This class implements an optimized iterator for descendant, descendant-or-self, or "//foo" patterns.
DescendantOrSelfWalker Walker for the 'descendant-or-self' axes.
DescendantWalker Walker for the 'descendant' axes.
FilterExprWalker Walker for the OP_VARIABLE, or OP_EXTFUNCTION, or OP_FUNCTION, or OP_GROUP, op codes.
FollowingSiblingWalker Walker for the 'following-sibling' axes.
FollowingWalker Walker for the 'following' axes.
LocPathIterator This class extends NodeSet, which implements NodeIterator, and fetches nodes one at a time in document order based on a XPath NamespaceWalker Walker for the 'namespace' axes.
ParentWalker Walker for the 'parent' axes.
PrecedingSiblingWalker Walker for the 'preceding-sibling' axes.
PrecedingWalker Walker for the 'preceding' axes.
ReverseAxesWalker Walker for a reverse axes.
RootWalker Walker for the FROM_ROOT axes.
RootWalkerMultiStep This class extends ChildWalkerMultiStep to handle the root step of patterns such as "/foo/baz" where the first step is the root, and the rest of the steps are simple child steps.
SelfWalker Walker for the 'self' axes.
SelfWalkerOneStep Class SelfWalkerOneStep
UnionPathIterator This class extends NodeSet, which implements NodeIterator, and fetches nodes one at a time in document order based on a XPath UnionExpr.
WalkerFactory This class is both a factory for XPath location path expressions, which are built from the opcode map output, and an analysis engine for the location path expressions in order to provide optimization hints.

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