BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.db.jdbc

WebLogic dbKona is a set of high-level database connectivity objects that give Java applications and applets access to databases.


Class Summary
Column A Column object contains the meta information for a table attribute.
DataSet DataSet is the abstract parent class of TableDataSet and QueryDataSet.
Enums Class for constants used in dbKona.
EventfulRecord Deprecated. the weblogic events are deprecated
EventfulTableDataSet Deprecated. The WebLogic Event api is deprecated.
KeyDef A KeyDef object defines the fields in a TableDataSet object that will be used in updates and deletes.
QueryDataSet A QueryDataSet holds the results of an arbitrary SQL query.
Record A Record object is a collection of Value objects.
Schema A Schema contains metadata about the attributes associated with a DataSet.
SelectStmt SelectStmt objects are used to help build vendor-neutral Select statements with query-by-example (QBE) support.
TableDataSet A TableDataSet holds the results of an SQL query on a single table.
Value Value objects correspond to the attributes of a Record object.

Exception Summary
DataSetException A DataSetException is thrown whenever something that isn't a database server error goes wrong in a DataSet.
InvalidDateException An InvalidDateException is thrown when a date earlier than 1970 is encountered.

Package weblogic.db.jdbc Description

WebLogic dbKona is a set of high-level database connectivity objects that give Java applications and applets access to databases. dbKona provides a higher level of abstraction than JDBC, which deals with low-level details of managing data. dbKona offers objects that allow the programmer to view and modify database data in a high-level, vendor-independent way. A Java application that uses dbKona objects does not need vendor-specific knowledge about DBMS table structure or field types to retrieve, insert, modify, delete, or otherwise use data from a database.

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