BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Class BorderstyleType


public class BorderstyleType
extends MarkupElement

This class encapsulates valid values for BORDERSTYLE attributes. Not all values are valid in all browsers. The BORDERSTYLE attribute is an extension for some browsers. You should understand how your browser interprets the BORDERSTYLE attribute before using the values.

Copyright (c) 1996 by WebLogic, Inc.
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:

Field Summary
static BorderstyleType all
          Deprecated. Draws boxes around the frame of a table and all cells without regard to their contents.
static BorderstyleType frame
          Deprecated. Draws a frame around a table, but not around individual cells.
static BorderstyleType none
          Deprecated. Draws no borders.
static BorderstyleType nonempty
          Deprecated. Produces a frame around a table and individual borders around non-empty cells.
Fields inherited from class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
BeginAddress, BeginAddressStr, BeginBlockquote, BeginBlockquoteStr, BeginBody, BeginBodyStr, BeginBold, BeginBoldStr, BeginCenter, BeginCenterStr, BeginComment, BeginCommentStr, BeginDiv, BeginDivStr, BeginHeadStr, BeginHtml, BeginHtmlStr, BeginItalic, BeginItalicStr, BeginLiteral, BeginLiteralStr, BeginParagraph, BeginParagraphStr, BeginScriptStr, BeginTitle, BeginTitleStr, Break, BreakStr, contents, CR, CRStr, EndAddress, EndAddressStr, EndBlockquote, EndBlockquoteStr, EndBody, EndBodyStr, EndBold, EndBoldStr, EndCenter, EndCenterStr, EndComment, EndCommentStr, EndDiv, EndDivStr, EndFont, EndFontStr, EndHeadStr, EndHtml, EndHtmlStr, EndItalic, EndItalicStr, EndLiteral, EndLiteralStr, EndParagraph, EndParagraphStr, EndScriptStr, EndTitle, EndTitleStr, HorizontalLine, HorizontalLineStr, HorizontalRule, NoBreak, NoBreakStr, WordBreak, WordBreakStr
Fields inherited from class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
codeset, useObsolete
Constructor Summary
BorderstyleType(java.lang.String str)
          Deprecated. Constructor.
Methods inherited from class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
BeginFont, BeginFontFace, BeginFontSize, BeginHeader, EndHeader, output, output, output, setContents
Methods inherited from class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
asAnchorElement, asBigElement, asBlockquoteElement, asBoldElement, asCenteredElement, asCiteElement, asCodeElement, asCommentElement, asDefineTermElement, asEmphasisElement, asFontElement, asFontElement, asFontElement, asHtmlContainer, asItalicElement, asKeyboardElement, asLiteralElement, asParagraphElement, asSampleElement, asSmallElement, asStrikeElement, asStrongElement, asSubscriptElement, asSuperscriptElement, asTeletypeElement, asUnderlineElement, asVariableElement, getVersion, setAnchorMode, setCodeset, toString, toString, widthAsLiteral
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static BorderstyleType nonempty
Produces a frame around a table and individual borders around non-empty cells.


public static BorderstyleType all
Draws boxes around the frame of a table and all cells without regard to their contents.


public static BorderstyleType frame
Draws a frame around a table, but not around individual cells.


public static BorderstyleType none
Draws no borders.
Constructor Detail


public BorderstyleType(java.lang.String str)

Documentation is available at

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