BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Interface Pool

Deprecated. All methods in this interface are deprecated. In WebLogic Server 7.0 and later, these methods are removed from this interface and are available in the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean.

public interface Pool
extends java.rmi.Remote

Interface for JdbcT3 services. T3Clients get access to these services through the T3ClientServices class in weblogic.common.

Copyright (c) 1997-1998 by WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved., Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA WebXpress. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void disableDroppingUsers()
          Deprecated. Disables the connection pool, immediately disconnecting all users.
 void disableFreezingUsers()
          Deprecated. Disables the connection pool, suspending all operations on pool connections until the pool is re-enabled.
 void enable()
          Deprecated. Enables a disabled connection pool.
 java.util.Properties getProperties()
          Deprecated. Returns the properties for a connection pool.
 java.lang.Object reserve()
          Deprecated. Reserves a resource for an authorized user.
 java.lang.Object reserveNoWait()
          Deprecated. Reserves a resource for use by an ACL user.
 java.lang.Object reserveWaitSecs(int waitSecs)
          Deprecated. Reserves a resource for use by an ACL user.
 void reset()
          Deprecated. Resets the named database ConnectionPool by shutting down and re-establishing all the allocated connections.
 void shrink()
          Deprecated. Shrinks the named database ConnectionPool to the max of the currently reserved connections or the initial size.
 void shutdownHard()
          Deprecated. Destroys the connection pool with the name specified, immediately closing all used and unused connections.
 void shutdownSoft()
          Deprecated. Destroys the connection pool with the name specified, closing unused connections immediately, and in-use connections after they are returned by the applications using them.

Method Detail


public void reset()
           throws java.lang.Exception
Resets the named database ConnectionPool by shutting down and re-establishing all the allocated connections. This method should only be called when the connection pool is known to be in a bad state, for example when the database has been restarted.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public void shrink()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Shrinks the named database ConnectionPool to the max of the currently reserved connections or the initial size.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public void shutdownSoft()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Destroys the connection pool with the name specified, closing unused connections immediately, and in-use connections after they are returned by the applications using them.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal. Applications with connections from this pool are allowed to continue using their connections until they close them.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public void shutdownHard()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Destroys the connection pool with the name specified, immediately closing all used and unused connections.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public void disableDroppingUsers()
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Disables the connection pool, immediately disconnecting all users.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public void disableFreezingUsers()
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Disables the connection pool, suspending all operations on pool connections until the pool is re-enabled.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public void enable()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Enables a disabled connection pool.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public java.util.Properties getProperties()
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the properties for a connection pool.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a client that has specified an authorized Principal.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public java.lang.Object reserve()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Reserves a resource for an authorized user. Waits if all resources are currently allocated.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public java.lang.Object reserveNoWait()
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Reserves a resource for use by an ACL user. Caller specifies that no waiting should occur.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error


public java.lang.Object reserveWaitSecs(int waitSecs)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Reserves a resource for use by an ACL user. Caller specifies that waiting should not exceed given number of seconds.

java.lang.Exception - if there is an error

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.