BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference
Interface ConnectionFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ConnectionFilter
extends java.util.EventListener

Connection filter interface. This interface is used by the server to determine whether it should allow or reject incoming connections from clients.

You can make the server perform connection filtering by setting the property to the name of a class that implements this interface. That class must have a public no-arg constructor.

The connection filter is not called immediately when a client connects to the server. It is called after the client has sent enough bytes for the server to determine what protocol the client is using. The login timeout and protocol mechanisms will deal correctly with clients that do not get this far.

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Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void accept(ConnectionEvent evt)
          Accept or deny an incoming connection from a client.

Method Detail


public void accept(ConnectionEvent evt)
            throws FilterException
Accept or deny an incoming connection from a client. If the connection is to be accepted, this method returns normally. Otherwise, it throws a FilterException, which may describe why the client's connection was rejected.

evt - the connection event describing a connection to filter
FilterException - thrown if the client's connection is to be rejected

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