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Jar File --> Configuration

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A file created with the Java jar tool bundles the files in a directory into a single Java ARchive (JAR) file, maintaining the directory structure. The Java classloader can search for Java class files (and other file types) in a JAR file the same way that it searches a directory in its classpath. Because the classloader can search a directory or a JAR file, you can deploy J2EE components on WebLogic Server in either an "exploded" directory or a JAR file.

JAR files are convenient for packaging components and applications for distribution. They are easier to copy, they use up fewer file handles than an exploded directory, and they can save disk space with file compression. If your Administration Server manages a domain with multiple WebLogic Servers, you can only deploy JAR files, because the Administration Console does not copy expanded directories to managed servers.

The jar utility is in the bin directory of your Java Development Kit. If you have javac in your path, you also have jar in your path. The jar command syntax and behavior is similar to the UNIX tar command.

The most common usages of the jar command are:

jar cf jar-file files ...

Creates a JAR file named jar-file containing listed files. If you include a directory in the list of files, all files in that directory and its subdirectories are added to the JAR file.

jar xf jar-file

Extract (unbundle) a JAR file in the current directory.

jar tf jar-file

List (tell) the contents of a JAR file.

The first flag specifies the operation: create, extract, or list (tell). The f flag must be followed by a JAR file name. Without the f flag, jar reads or writes JAR file contents on stdin or stdout which is usually not what you want. See the documentation for the JDK utilities for more about jar command options.

Use the Jar File > Configuration tab to configure the connector JAR file.


Configuring Resource Adapters (Connectors) for Deployment

Deploying Resource Adapters (Connectors)

Viewing Deployed Resource Adapters (Connectors)

Undeploying Deployed Resource Adapters (Connectors)

Updating Deployed Resource Adapters (Connectors)

Getting Started

Viewing Leaked Connections

Viewing Idle Connections

Deleting Connections

Deleting a Connector

Editing Connector Deployment Descriptors

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)


Resource Adaptor (Connector) Deployment Descriptor Editor

See Programming the WebLogic Server J2EE Connector Architecture.

See the "Packaging" chapter in Developing WebLogic Server Applications.


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


Attribute: Resources

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes


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