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Domain --> Configuration --> General

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


Use the Domain --> Configuration --> General tab to configure console attributes and administration port settings for the active domain.

The domain-wide administration port enables you to start a WebLogic Server instance in STANDBY state. It also allows you to separate administration traffic from application traffic in your domain. Because all servers in the domain must enable or disable the administration port at once, you configure the default administration port settings at the domain level.

Note: Before enabling the domain-wide administration port, you must configure SSL attributes for each server that resides in the domain. If one or more servers do not enable SSL, or have incorrect settings for SSL in your system, you will be unable to start or administer those servers after you enable the administration port. See Enabling the Domain-Wide Administration Port for more information.


To configure Administration Console settings for the domain:

  1. Click the Console Enabled check box to enable or disable Administration Console deployment for this domain.

  2. Enter a value in the Console Context Path attribute field to change the default context path for an active Administration Console.

  3. Click Apply to apply your changes.

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Overview of WebLogic Server Management

Configuring Network Resources

Configuration Auditing


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.


Attribute: Name

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Console Enabled

Indicates whether the WLS console should be auto-deployed for this domain.


Attribute: ConsoleEnabled

Default: true

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Console Context Path

Specifies the context path for the WLS console.


Attribute: ConsoleContextPath

Default: "console"

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Configuration MBean Auditing Feature Enabled

Causes the Administration Server to emit log messages when a user changes the configuration or invokes management operations on any resource within a domain.



Default: false

Configurable: no

Enable Domain Wide Administration Port (Please configure SSL)

Indicates whether or not the administration port should be enabled for the domain. This will force all the servers in a domain to have the same view of setting up the server's administration port.


Attribute: AdministrationPortEnabled

Default: false

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Domain Wide Administration Port

The common secure administration port for the domain. The administration port uses SSL so all the servers require to have SSL if the administration port is enabled in the domain. If administration port is enabled then each server in the same domain should setup a administration port either using the domain's administration port or overriding it by using the server's administration port The managed server will require to use to connect to the admin server


Attribute: AdministrationPort

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 65534

Default: 9002

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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