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You can track the performance of the entity EJBs in your application by monitoring the following statistics:



Idle Beans Count

Reports the number of idle beans in the free pool that are available for use for this EJB.

Beans In Use Count

Reports the number of beans currently in use from the free pool. This information is useful for tracking demand for your EJB. For example, this can be important when investigating an abnormal pool miss ratio.

The beans-in-use number may slightly exceed the beans-in-cache number in certain situations. WebLogic Server uses anonymous instances to execute finder and home methods. These anonymous instances would cause the beans-in-use count to go up while not changing the beans-in-cache count. However, the difference between these numbers should be relatively small.

Waiter Total Count

Reports the number of times a thread requested and had to wait for a bean from the pool.

Timeout Total Count

Reports the total number of transactions that have timed out. Every EJB request uses valuable server resources such as threads and bean instances.

A timed out transaction means that server resources were tied up in vain, suggesting a problem with the application.

Cached Beans Current Count

Reports the total number of beans from this EJB Home currently in the EJB cache. Use this information to calculate the current percentage of the configured cache capacity being used.

Cache Access Count

Reports the total number of attempts to access a bean from the cache. This information is useful for giving context to other counts such as cache hits.

Cache Hit Count

Reports the total number of times an attempt to access a bean from the cache succeeded. This information is useful for determining the effectiveness of the EJB cache.

Activation Count

Reports the total number of beans from this EJB Home that have been activated.

Passivation Count

Reports the total number of beans from this EJB Home that have been passivated.

Lock Entries Current Count

Reports the current number of lock entries in the lock manager. This information may be helpful in detecting stale lock entries.

Lock Manager Access Count

Reports the total number of attempts to obtain a lock on a bean. This includes attempts to obtain a lock on a bean that is already locked on behalf of the client. This information is useful for giving context to the waiter and timeout total counts.


For more information, see:


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