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JDBC MultiPool --> Configuration --> General

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


On the JDBC MultiPool—>Configuration—>General tab, you specify general attributes for the MultiPool. A MultiPool is a "pool of connection pools."


Creating and Configuring a JDBC MultiPool

Cloning a JDBC MultiPool

Assigning a JDBC MultiPool to One or More Servers

Deleting a JDBC MultiPool

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Using MultiPools in Programming WebLogic JDBC

Managing JDBC Connectivity in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide

Configuring WebLogic JDBC Features in Programming WebLogic JDBC


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.


Attribute: Name

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Algorithm Type

The algorithm type for this Multipool.

If set to "High availability", the connection pools are set up as an ordered list. That is, every time an application asks the Multipool for a connection, it tries to get a connection from the first pool in its list. If unable to get a valid connection, it tries the next pool in its list. The process is repeated until a valid connection is obtained, or until the end of the list is reached, in which case an exception will be thrown.

Note that by default, the Multipool will only move to the next pool in the list when there is a real problem with the pool, for example the database is down or the pool disabled. For the cases where all connections are busy, the Multipool behaves as a single pool and an exception is thrown. (With WebLogic Server 7.0SP5 and later service packs, you can enable failover when a connection pool is busy. See "MultiPool Failover Enhancements" in Programming WebLogic JDBC for more information.)

If the algorithm is set to "Load balancing," the Multipool will distribute the connection requests evenly to its member pools. This algorithm also performs the same failover behavior as the high availability algorithm.

Default value for this attribute is "High availability".


Attribute: AlgorithmType

Default: High-Availability

Valid values:

  • High-Availability

  • Load-Balancing

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


The access control list (ACL) used to control access to this MultiPool.


Attribute: ACLName

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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