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Server --> Configuration --> General

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


The Server—>Configuration—>General tab defines general configuration attributes for an instance of WebLogic Server.


Adding a Server to the Domain

Setting the Listen Port

Cloning a Server

Deleting a Server

Starting a Server

Starting a Server in the STANDBY State

Resuming a Server

Shutting Down a Server

Forcing Shutdown of a Server

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Installing WebLogic Server

Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers

Using WebLogic Server Clusters


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The name of the MBean.


Attribute: Name

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


The machine on which this server is meant to run. If the server is already running, this will migrate the server to a different machine. If the machine is the same as the machine is the server is already running on, this is a no-op.

Migration consists of taking down the machine using the stop method on the Server (#stop), and restarting the server on the new machine. If anything fails during migration, the appropriate exception will be thrown.

Setting the machine to null means that the server should not be started. If it is already running, it is shutdown.


Attribute: Machine

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


The cluster to which this server belongs. If set, the server will listen for cluster multicast events.


Attribute: Cluster

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Listen Address

The IP address or DNS name this server uses to listen for incoming connections. Servers can be reached through the following URL: protocol://listen-address:listen-port

Any network access point (NAP) that you configure for this server can override this listen address.

By default, a server's listen address is undefined, which enables clients to reach the server through an IP address of the computer that hosts the server, a DNS name that resolves to the host, or the localhost string. The localhost string can be used only for requests from clients that running on the same computer as the server.

If you want to limit the valid addresses for a server instance, specify one of the following:

  • If you provide an IP address, clients can specify either the IP address or a DNS name that maps to the IP address. Clients that specify an IP address and attempt to connect through an SSL port must disable hostname verification.

  • If you provide a DNS name, clients can specify either the DNS name or the corresponding IP address.

Note: To resolve a DNS name to an IP address, Weblogic Server must be able to contact an appropriate DNS server or obtain the IP address mapping locally. Therefore, if you specify a DNS name for the listen address, you must either leave a port open long enough for the WebLogic Server instance to connect to a DNS server and cache its mapping or you must specify the IP address mapping in a local file. If you specify an IP address for ListenAddress and then a client request specifies a DNS name, WebLogic Server will attempt to resolve the DNS name, but if it cannot access DNS name mapping, the request will fail.


Attribute: ListenAddress

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Listen Port Enabled

Get if the plain-text (non-SSL) port is enabled for the server. If this is set to false, the SSL listen port must be configured and enabled.


Attribute: ListenPortEnabled

Default: true

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Listen Port

The plain-text (non-SSL) listen port for this server. If this is disabled the SSL port must be enabled. Additional ports can be configured using network channels (see NetworkChannelMBean). The cluster multicast port is configured at the cluster level.


Attribute: ListenPort

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 65534

Default: 7001

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


Set this attribute to true if the server instance will receive requests from a proxy plug-in or HttpClusterServlet.

When WeblogicPluginEnabled is true, a call to getRemoteAddr will return the address of the browser client from the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header, instead of the web server.

If the server instance is a member of a cluster that will receive proxied requests, set WeblogicPluginEnabled for the cluster, on the Cluster -->Configuration-->General tab.

WeblogicPluginEnabled can be configured in ClusterMBean or ServerMBean. If specified in both ClusterMBean and ServerMBean, the value in ClusterMBean value takes precedence.


Attribute: WeblogicPluginEnabled

Default: false

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Startup Mode

Startup Mode for the server


Attribute: StartupMode

Default: "RUNNING"

Dynamic: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

External DNSName

The external DNS name for the current server, which will be sent with HTTP session cookies and also with the dynamic server lists to HTTP proxies.

ExternalDNSName is required for configurations in which a firewall is performing Network Address Translation, unless clients are accessing WebLogic Server using t3 and the default channel. For instance, ExternalDNSName is required for configurations in which a firewall is performing Network Address Translation, and clients are accessing WebLogic Server using HTTP via a proxy plug-in.

Do not use an IP address for ExternalDNSName—it must be an actual domain name.


Attribute: ExternalDNSName

Default: null

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Client Cert Proxy Enabled

When set to true for a server instance, this attribute specifies that certs from clients of web applications hosted on the server instance are provided in the special WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header sent by a proxy plug-in or HttpClusterServlet.

(ClientCertProxyEnabled can be defined at the cluster level, at the server level, and at the web application level, in web.xml.)

This setting is useful if user authentication is performed on the proxy server—setting clientCertProxy to true causes the plug-in to pass on the certs to the cluster in the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header.

The header can be used by any client with direct access to WebLogic Server. WebLogic Server takes the certificate information from that header, trusting that is came from a secure source (the plug-in) and uses that information to authenticate the user.

If you set clientCertProxy to true, use a connection filter to ensure that WebLogic Server accepts connections only from the machine on which the plug-in is running. See "Using Network Connection Filters" in Programming WebLogic Security.

Default: false

Valid values:

  • true

  • false


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