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Server --> Logging --> JTA

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


On the The Server—>Logging—>JTA tab, you can specify the location of the transaction log files and an option for how transaction log records are written to disk.

BEA recommends that you locate transaction log files on a highly available file system, for example, on a RAID device. To take advantage of the migration capability of the Transaction Recovery Service for servers in a cluster, you must store the transaction log in a location that is available to a server and its backup servers, preferably on a dual-ported SCSI disk or on a Storage Area Network (SAN).


Specifying the Transaction Log File Location (Prefix)

Setting the Transaction Log File Write Policy

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Transaction Log in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide

Introducing Transactions in Programming WebLogic JTA

Configuring and Managing Transactions in Programming WebLogic JTA


Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Transaction Log File Prefix

The path prefix for the server's JTA transaction log files. If the pathname is not absolute, the path is assumed to be relative to the root directory of the machine on which the server is running.


Attribute: TransactionLogFilePrefix

Default: "./"

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


The policy used for writing log records to disk. The "Cache-Flush" policy flushes operating system and on-disk caches after each write. The "Cache-Flush" policy is the default policy. The "Direct-Write" policy tells the operating system to write directly to disk with each write. "Direct-Write" performs better than "Cache-Flush", and is available on Windows and Solaris. If "Direct-Write" is not supported on the host platform, the policy becomes "Cache-Flush" and a log message is printed.

WARNING: On Windows, unlike Solaris, the "Direct-Write" policy may leave transaction data in the on-disk cache without writing it to disk immediately. This is not transactionally safe, as a power failure can cause loss of on-disk cache data. For transactionally safe writes using "Direct-Write" on Windows, either disable all write caching for the disk (enabled by default), or use a disk with a battery backed cache.

  • The on-disk cache for a hard-drive on Windows can be disabled through system administration: Control-Panel -> System -> Hardware-tab -> Device-Manager-button -> Disk-Drives -> name-of-drive -> Policies-tab -> "Enable write caching on the disk" check-box. Some file systems do not allow this value to be changed. For example, a RAID system that has a reliable cache.


Attribute: TransactionLogFileWritePolicy


Valid values:



Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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