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Weblogic RDBMSJar --> Configuration

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


The root of a Weblogic RDBMS CMP deployment descriptor. The deployment descriptor contains deployment information for one or more entity beans and an optional set of dependent objects and relations.


Using the EJB Deployment Descriptor Editor

Additional Documentation

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Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Create Default DBMSTables

If this value is "True", the container determines whether the database includes a table for each CMP bean in the jar. If any bean does have a table, the container tries to create one based on information found in the bean's deployment and class files. If TABLE CREATION fails, a 'Table Not Found' Error will be thrown, and the TABLE must be created by hand. This feature should be used only for convenience during development and prototyping. The default value is false.

Attribute: CreateDefaultDBMSTables

Default: false

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Validate Db Schema With

Specifies how the container verifies whether the database table contains all of the columns that the bean's deployment descriptor contains. If you specify "TableQuery", the container queries the database table using column names to ensure that the database doesn't return an error. If you specify "MetaData", the container opens a connection from the database and gets MetaData about the table. The MetaData can be used to verify that all of the columns exist in the table.

Attribute: ValidateDbSchemaWith

Default: "TableQuery"

Valid values:

  • "MetaData"

  • "TableQuery"

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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