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Persistence --> Configuration

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


Use this tab to determine the persistence options for the enterprise bean.


Using the EJB Deployment Descriptor Editor

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)


Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Is Modified Method Name

Declare the name of an EJBean method that tells the container whether the bean data has been modified. This method is called when the bean managed EJBean is stored. If IsModifiedMethodName is not specified, WebLogic Server always assumes that the EJBean has been modified and always saves it. Applies to bean-managed persistence or EJB 1.1 container-managed persistence entity EJBs.

Attribute: IsModifiedMethodName

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Delay Updates Until End Of Tx

Specify that updates of the persistent store of all the beans in the transaction will be performed just before the end of the transaction. If this method is not specified, the pstore update of a bean will be performed at the conclusion of each method invocation. This method is an optional optimization that is applicable only to entity beans (both container- managed and bean-managed).

Attribute: DelayUpdatesUntilEndOfTx

Default: true

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Finders Load Bean

Specify whether the beans returned by a finder (or ejbSelect() are loaded immediately into the cache before the finder method returns. If specified, the beans will immediately be loaded into the cache by the finder; if not specified, the beans will not be loaded into the cache until the first invocation of the bean. This method is an optional optimization for CMP entity beans only.

Attribute: FindersLoadBean

Default: true

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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