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Default Authenticator --> General

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


Use this tab to configure an Authentication provider for a security realm. Authentication is the process whereby the identity of users or system processes are proved or verified. Authentication also involves remembering, transporting, and making identity information available to various components of a system when that information is needed.

The WebLogic Server security architecture supports: certificate-based authentication directly with WebLogic Server; HTTP certificate-based authentication, proxied through an external Web server; perimeter-based authentication (Web server, firewall, VPN); and multiple security token types and multiple protocols. In the WebLogic Server security architecture, an Authentication provider is used to provide these authentication services.

By default, the WebLogic Authentication provider is configured. The WebLogic Authentication provider allows you to edit, list, and manage users, groups, and group membership. User and group information is stored in the embedded LDAP server.

The Minimum Password Length attribute applies to the password used to define users in the embedded LDAP server used by the WebLogic Authentication provider to store user and group information. The Control Flag attribute is the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) control flag that determines how the LoginModule for the WebLogic Authentication provider is used with LoginModules for other Authentication providers configured in a security realm.

You can use a Custom Authentication provider instead of the WebLogic Authentication provider. For a Custom Authentication provider to be available in the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the MBean JAR file for the provider must be in the WL_HOME\lib\mbeantypes directory.


Choosing an Authentication Provider

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Introduction to WebLogic Security

Managing WebLogic Security

Programmimg WebLogic Security

Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Securing a WebLogic Server Deployment

Upgrading Security in WebLogic Server Version 6.x to WebLogic Server Version 7.0

Security FAQ

The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Attribute: Name

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


A short description of the WebLogic Authentication provider.

Attribute: Description

Default: "Provider that performs authentication from the embedded LDAP server"

Readable: yes


The version number of the WebLogic Authentication provider.

Attribute: Version

Default: "1.0"

Readable: yes

Minimum Password Length

The minimum number of characters required in a password.

Attribute: MinimumPasswordLength

Minimum: 0

Default: new Integer(8)

Readable: yes

Control Flag

Determines how the login sequence uses the Authentication provider.

A REQUIRED value requires this Authentication provider to succeed. Regardless of whether it succeeds, authentication proceeds to other Authentication providers that have been configured as part of the login sequence.

A REQUISITE value requires this Authentication provider to succeed. If it succeeds, authentication proceeds to other Authentication providers. If it fails, control immediately returns to the application (authentication does not proceed).

A SUFFICIENT value does not require this Authentication provider to succeed. If it succeeds, control immediately returns to the application (authentication does not proceed to other Authenticaion providers). If it fails, authentication proceeds to other Authentication providers that have been configured as part of the login sequence.

An OPTIONALvalue does not require this Authentication provider to succeed. Regardless of whether it succeeds, authentication proceeds to other Authentication providers that have been configured as part of the login sequence.

Attribute: ControlFlag

Default: "REQUIRED"

Valid values:





Readable: yes


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