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Default Keystore Provider--> General

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


Use this tab to configure a Keystore provider for a security realm. A Keystore is a mechanism designed to access files that store private keys. In the WebLogic Server security architecture, a Keystore provider is used to access JKS Keystores. The WebLogic Keystore provider is the only supported Keystore provider. You cannot configure a Custom Keystore provider.


Configuring a Keystore Provider

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Introduction to WebLogic Security

Managing WebLogic Security

Programmimg WebLogic Security

Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Securing a WebLogic Server Deployment

Upgrading Security in WebLogic Server Version 6.x to WebLogic Server Version 7.0

Security FAQ

The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Attribute: Name

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


The version of the WebLogic Keystore provider.

Attribute: Version

Default: "1.0"

Readable: yes


Default KeyStore Security provider that obtains secured private keys from KeyStores using the JavaSoft jks KeyStore provider type.

Attribute: Description

Default: "Default KeyStore Security provider that obtains secured private keys from KeyStore."

Readable: yes

Private Key Store Location

The location of a private Keystore. The default Keystore provider requires a directory and filename location that is either a complete filepath, or is relative to the server's root directory.

Attribute: PrivateKeyStoreLocation

Default: "wlDefaultKeyStore.jks"

Readable: yes

Private Key Store Pass Phrase

The password for the private Keystore that is specified by the PrivateKeyStoreLocationattribute. If you set a null value, no password is required to access the private Keystore.

Attribute: PrivateKeyStorePassPhrase

Default: null

Encrypted: yes

Readable: yes

Root CAKey Store Location

The location of a Root Certificate Authority Keystore.

The default Keystore provider requires a directory and filename location that is either a complete filepath, or relative to the server's root directory.

If you set a null value, Weblogic Server defaults to loading the trusted Certificate Authorities that are in the installed JDK cacerts Keystore, which is JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacertsand the trusted Certificate Authorities defined by the SSL MBean, if specified.

Attribute: RootCAKeyStoreLocation

Readable: yes

Root CAKey Store Pass Phrase

The password for the Root Certificate Authority Keystore that is specified by the RootCAKeyStoreLocation attribute. A Root Certificate Authority Keystore stores trusted Certificate Authorities. If you set a null value, no password is required to access the Root Certificate Authority KeyStore. This behavior may be overridden by the configured KeyStore implementation.

For more information about legal values, refer to the documentation supplied by the Keystore security vendor.

Attribute: RootCAKeyStorePassPhrase

Default: null

Encrypted: yes

Readable: yes


The type of the Keystore implementation, as defined by the JavaSoft Cryptography Architecture specification. Set to null or an empty string to use the default keystore type configured in the file.

Attribute: Type

Default: "jks"

Readable: yes


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