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Security Realm --> UserLockout

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


Password guessing is a common type of security attack. In this type of attack, a hacker attempts to log in to a computer using various combinations of usernames and passwords. WebLogic Server provides a set of attributes to protect passwords and user accounts in a security realm. Use this tab to set the attributes.

If a user lockout security event occurs on one node of a cluster, the other nodes in the cluster are notified of the event and the user account is locked on all nodes in the cluster. This features prevents a hacker from systematically breaking into all the nodes in a cluster.


Unlocking a User Account

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Introduction to WebLogic Security

Managing WebLogic Security

Programmimg WebLogic Security

Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Securing a WebLogic Server Deployment

Upgrading Security in WebLogic Server Version 6.x to WebLogic Server Version 7.0

Security FAQ

The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The maximum number of consecutive invalid login attempts before account is locked out. When the number of invalid logins within a specified period of time is greater than LockoutThresholdvalue, the user is locked out. For example, with the default setting of 1, the user is locked out on the second consecutive invalid login. With a setting of 2

Attribute: LockoutThreshold

Minimum: 1

Default: 5

Readable: yes


The number of minutes that a user account is locked out.

Attribute: LockoutDuration

Minimum: 0

Default: 30

Readable: yes


The number of minutes within which consecutive invalid login attempts cause the user account to be locked out.

Attribute: LockoutResetDuration

Minimum: 1

Default: 5

Readable: yes


The number of invalid login records that the server places in a cache. The server creates one record for each invalid login.

Attribute: LockoutCacheSize

Minimum: 0

Default: 5

Readable: yes


The maximum number of invalid login records that the server keeps in memory. If the number of invalid login records is equal to or greater than this value, the server's garbage collection purges the records that have expired. A record expires when the user associated with the record has been locked out.

The lower the number for this attribute, the more often the server uses its resources to collect garbage.

Attribute: LockoutGCThreshold

Minimum: 0

Default: 400

Readable: yes


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