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Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor (war)

Use the Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor to edit the deployment descriptors that define a Web Application. A Web Application is a J2EE deployment unit that defines a collection of Web resources such as JSPs, servlets, and HTML pages. Web Applications can also define references to external resources such as EJBs.

Each Web Application has two deployment descriptors, web.xml and weblogic.xml, both of which can be edited using the Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor. The web.xml deployment descriptor is defined by the Servlet specification from Sun Microsystems and the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor is specific to WebLogic Server. For more information about Web Applications, see Assembling and Configuring Web Applications in the WebLogic Server Documentation at.

The Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor can only edit an existing deployment descriptor, it cannot create a new deployment descriptor. For information on generating (and visually editing) J2EE deployment descriptors for WebLogic Server, see WebLogic Builder.



Using the Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor

  1. Start the WebLogic Administration Server if it is not already running.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console in a browser.

  3. If the Web Application is already defined in the current domain, expand the Web Applications node in the left panel and skip to step 9. in Using the Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor

  4. If the Web Application is not yet configured in the current domain, configure a new Web Application:

  5. Click on "Configure a new Web Application" in the right panel.

  6. Enter the name of this Web Application in the Name field.

  7. Enter the full path to the directory or .war file containing your Web Application in the Path URI field.

  8. Click Create. The new Web Application appears under Web Applications in the left panel

  9. Right click on the Web Application and select Edit Web Application Descriptor. A new browser window opens in which you can edit the deployment descriptors.

  10. Configure the functionality of your Web Application. See Configuring a Web Application using the Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor for instructions on configuring Web Application functionality.

  11. When you have finished editing the deployment descriptor, select the Web App Descriptor node in the left navigation tree.

  12. Click Validate in the right panel. The validation only checks to see that the deployment descriptor conforms to its document type definition (DTD). It does not verify the existence of any of the components you have configured nor perform any other type of validation.

After you have validated the deployment descriptors, click Persist in the right panel to save your changes to the deployment descriptor. To make your descriptor changes apply to the application, redeploy the application.

Configuring Error Pages

  1. Right Click on Error Pages in the left panel and select Configure a new ErrorPage.

  2. Enter an HTTP Error Code in the Error Code field
    Enter a Java Exception class in the Exception Type field.

  3. Enter the name of the resource to display in response to the error. The entry must include a leading /. For example /myErrorPg.html.

  4. Click Create.


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