WebLogic Server Configuration Reference

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Provides methods that configure startup classes. A startup class is a Java program that is automatically loaded and executed when a WebLogic Server instance is started or restarted.

By default, startup classes are loaded and executed after all other server subsystems have initialized and after the server deploys modules. For any startup class, you can override the default and specify that the server loads and executes it and before it deploys JDBC connection pools and before it deploys Web applications and EJBs.



FailureIsFatal=( "true" | "false" )
LoadBeforeAppActivation=( "true" | "false" )
LoadBeforeAppDeployments=( "true" | "false" )
Targets="list of Target names"


Parent Elements



Table 62-1 StartupClass attributes



Range of Values and Default


Arguments that the server uses to initialize a class. Separate multiple arguments with a comma. For example:


Admin Console field label: Arguments

Required: no


Admin Console field label: ClassName


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type. For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Admin Console field label: Deployment Order

Required: no

Default: 1000

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 231-1


Determines whether a failure in this startup class prevents a server from starting. If this check box is cleared (or if you use an API to specify a value of false) and the startup class fails, the server continues its startup process.

Admin Console field label: Failure is fatal

Required: no

Default: false


Determines if the startup class should be loaded after the connection pools are created but before the application's are activated. Activation is the second phase in the 2-phase deployment model.

LoadBeforeAppDeployments should be used when the startup class needs to be invoked before the applications are even prepared for deployment. Please note that connection pools are not yet created at this stage.

LoadBeforeAppActivation should be used when the startup class needs to be invoked after the connections pools are available but before the applications are activated and ready to service client requests.

Required: no

Default: false


Determines whether a startup class is loaded and run before the server creates JMS and JDBC services or deploys applications and EJBs. If you specify true for this option, the server loads and runs the class before the prepare() phase in the 2-phase depoloyment model. At this point, JMS and JDBC services are not yet available, and no applications or EJBs have been deployed.

If you specify false, the server loads the class after all other types of modules have been deployed.

Admin Console field label: Run before application deployments

Required: no

Default: false


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Admin Console field label: Name

Required: no


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

Admin Console field label: Notes

Required: no


The targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed.

Required: no


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