WebLogic Server Configuration Reference

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This bean defines a WLEC connection pool.



CertificateAuthenticationEnabled=( "true" | "false" )
FailoverAddresses="list of Strings"
PrimaryAddresses="list of Strings"
SecurityContextEnabled=( "true" | "false" )
Targets="list of Target names"


Parent Elements



Table 69-1 WLECConnectionPool attributes



Range of Values and Default


Defines the password for the application. This field is required when the security level in the Tuxedo domain is APP_PW, USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL.

Admin Console field label: Application Password

Required: no

Encrypted: yes


Defines the state of certificate authentication.

  • When you use certificate authentication, WLEC uses the values for the User Name and Application Password fields to obtain a certificate for WLEC.

  • If you do not use certificate authentication, WLEC uses password authentication or no authentication, depending on the security level of the Tuxedo domain.

  • If password authentication is required, WLEC uses the values for the User Name and User Password fields to authenticate.

Admin Console field label: Enable Certificate Authentication

Required: no

Default: false

Secure value: true


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type. For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Required: no

Default: 1000

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 231-1


Defines the list of addresses for IIOP Listener/Handlers used if connections defined in the primary addresses cannot be established or fail. Multiple addresses are separated by semicolons.

Admin Console field label: Failover Addresses

Required: no


Defines the maximum SSL encryption level used between the Tuxedo domain and WebLogic Server.

  • Zero (0) indicates that the data is signed but not sealed.

  • 40, 56, and 128 specify the length, in bits, of the encryption key.

  • The default is the maximum level allowed by the Encryption Package kit license.

  • If this minimum level of encryption is not met, the SSL connection between Tuxedo and WebLogic Server fails.

Admin Console field label: Maximum Encryption Level

Required: no

Default: 0


Defines the maximum number of IIOP connections that can be made from the WLEC connection pool.

Admin Console field label: Maximum Pool Size

Required: no

Default: 1


Defines the minimum SSL encryption level used between the Tuxedo domain and WebLogic Server.

  • Zero (0) indicates that the data is signed but not sealed.

  • 40, 56, and 128 specify the length, in bits, of the encryption key.

  • Default value is 40.

  • If this minimum level of encryption is not met, the SSL connection between Tuxedo and WebLogic Server fails.

Admin Console field label: Minimum Encryption Level

Required: no

Default: 0


Defines the number of IIOP connections to be added to the WLEC connection pool when WebLogic Server starts.

Admin Console field label: Minimum Pool Size

Required: no

Default: 1


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Admin Console field label: Name

Required: no


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

Admin Console field label: Notes

Required: no


Defines the list of addresses for IIOP Listener/Handlers used to establish a connection between the WLEC connection pool and the Tuxedo domain.

  • The format of each address is //hostname:port.

  • The addresses must match the ISL addresses defined in the UBBCONFIG file. Multiple addresses are seperated by semicolons. Example: //main1.com:1024;//main2.com:1044.

  • To configure the WLEC connection pool to use the SSL protocol, use the corbalocs prefix with the address of the IIOP Listener/Handler. Example: corbalocs://hostname:port.

Admin Console field label: Primary Addresses

Required: no


Defines the state of the security context the WebLogic Server User passed to the Tuxedo domain. If selected, security context is enabled.

Admin Console field label: Enable Security Context

Required: no

Default: false

Secure value: true


The targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed.

Required: no


Defines the name of a qualified user. This field is required only when the security level in the Tuxedo domain is USER_AUTH, ACL or MANDATORY_ACL.

Admin Console field label: User Name

Required: no


Defines the password of the qualified user specified in the User Name field. This field is required only when you define the User Name field.

Admin Console field label: User Password

Required: no

Encrypted: yes


Defines the user role for this connection pool. This field is required when the security level in the Tuxedo domain is APP_PW, USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL.

Admin Console field label: User Role

Required: no


Defines the name of the WLEC domain to which the pool is connected.

  • You can have only one WLEC connection pool per Tuxedo domain.

  • The domain name must match the domainid parameter in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file for the Tuxedo domain.

Admin Console field label: Domain

Required: no


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