BEA Systems, Inc.

Package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt

Interface Summary
XSLTProcessor Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.

Class Summary
EnvironmentCheck Utility class to report simple information about the environment.
Process The main() method handles the Xalan command-line interface.
Stylesheet Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
StylesheetHandler Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
StylesheetRoot Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
StylesheetSpec Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
XSLProcessorContext Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
XSLTEngineImpl Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
XSLTInputSource Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
XSLTProcessorFactory Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.
XSLTResultTarget Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.

Exception Summary
XSLProcessorException Deprecated. This compatibility layer will be removed in later releases.

Documentation is available at

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