BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use LocPathIterator

Uses of LocPathIterator in weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer

Subclasses of LocPathIterator in weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer
 class KeyIterator
           This class implements an optimized iterator for "key()" patterns.
 class KeyRefIterator
           This class implements an optimized iterator for "key()" patterns.

Uses of LocPathIterator in weblogic.apache.xpath.axes

Subclasses of LocPathIterator in weblogic.apache.xpath.axes
 class AttributeIterator
           This class implements an optimized iterator for attribute axes patterns.
 class ChildIterator
           This class implements an optimized iterator for "node()" patterns, that is, any children of the context node.
 class ChildTestIterator
           This class implements an optimized iterator for children patterns that have a node test, and possibly a predicate.
 class DescendantIterator
           This class implements an optimized iterator for descendant, descendant-or-self, or "//foo" patterns.
 class MatchPatternIterator
          This class treats a LocationPath as a filtered iteration over the tree, evaluating each node in a super axis traversal against the LocationPath interpreted as a match pattern.
 class OneStepIterator
           This class implements a general iterator for those LocationSteps with only one step, and perhaps a predicate.
 class OneStepIteratorForward
           This class implements a general iterator for those LocationSteps with only one step, and perhaps a predicate, that only go forward (i.e.
 class SelfIteratorNoPredicate
           This class implements an optimized iterator for "." patterns, that is, the self axes without any predicates.
 class WalkingIterator
          Location path iterator that uses Walkers.
 class WalkingIteratorSorted
           NEEDSDOC Class WalkingIteratorSorted

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