BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use FunctionDef1Arg

Uses of FunctionDef1Arg in weblogic.apache.xpath.functions

Subclasses of FunctionDef1Arg in weblogic.apache.xpath.functions
 class FuncDoclocation
           Execute the proprietary document-location() function, which returns a node set of documents.
 class FuncGenerateId
           Execute the GenerateId() function.
 class FuncLocalPart
          Execute the LocalPart() function.
 class FuncNamespace
           Execute the Namespace() function.
 class FuncNormalizeSpace
           Execute the normalize-space() function.
 class FuncNumber
           Execute the Number() function.
 class FuncQname
           Execute the Qname() function.
 class FuncString
           Execute the String() function.
 class FuncStringLength
           Execute the StringLength() function.

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