BEA Systems, Inc.
Class DeploymentNotification


public final class DeploymentNotification

Defines a management notification of deployment events. Application deployment events are sent to associated ApplicationMBeans The event types are as defined by the public fields. To receive deployment notifications, the client application must register a NotificationListener and optionally, NotificationFilter, with the ApplicationMBean that describes the application being deployed.

The notification message sent for application events are String objects of the form: type.server.application. eg

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ACTIVATED
          The application is activated.
static java.lang.String ACTIVATING
          The application is being activated.
static java.lang.String DEACTIVATED
          The application is deactivated.
static java.lang.String DEACTIVATING
          The application is being deactivated.
static java.lang.String FAILED
          The last operation on the application failed and resulted in the application being placed in a failed state.
static java.lang.String PREPARED
          The application is prepared.
static java.lang.String PREPARING
          The application is being prepared.
static java.lang.String UNPREPARED
          The application is inactive and its classes are not loaded.
static java.lang.String UNPREPARING
          The application classes are being unloaded.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class java.util.EventObject
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAppName()
          Idenitifies the application involved in the notification.
static long getChangeNotificationCount()
 java.lang.String getServerName()
          The server name where the deployment took place.
 boolean isAppNotification()
          indicates that this notification is an application level notification, one that reports changes based on the application deployment status.
Methods inherited from class
getMessage, getSequenceNumber, getSource, getTimeStamp, getType, getUserData, setSequenceNumber, setSource, setTimeStamp, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.util.EventObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PREPARING
The application is being prepared. This notification is sent just prior to the application modules being validated on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String PREPARED
The application is prepared. This notification is sent after a successful validation of the application modules on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String ACTIVATING
The application is being activated. This notification is sent just prior to the application modules being loaded on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String ACTIVATED
The application is activated. This notification is sent after successfully activating all application modules on a managed server. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String DEACTIVATING
The application is being deactivated. This notification is sent just prior to the application modules being deactivated (turned off) on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String DEACTIVATED
The application is deactivated. This notification is sent after successfully deactivating application modules on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String UNPREPARING
The application classes are being unloaded. This notification is sent just prior to the application modules being unloaded on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String UNPREPARED
The application is inactive and its classes are not loaded. This notification is sent after successfully unpreparing application modules on a managed server by the relevant container subsystems. This is an application level notification.


public static final java.lang.String FAILED
The last operation on the application failed and resulted in the application being placed in a failed state. This is an application level notification.
Method Detail


public static long getChangeNotificationCount()


public java.lang.String getAppName()
Idenitifies the application involved in the notification.


public java.lang.String getServerName()
The server name where the deployment took place.


public boolean isAppNotification()
indicates that this notification is an application level notification, one that reports changes based on the application deployment status.

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