BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface KernelMBean

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface KernelMBean
extends ConfigurationMBean

This bean represents the configuration of the core message passing kernel on both WebLogic clients and servers.

ServerMBean extends this bean to represent the configuration of a server.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String STDOUT_NOID
          Format of messages logged to the console in WLS 6.
static java.lang.String STDOUT_STANDARD
          Default format of messages logged to the console
Fields inherited from class
Method Summary
 int getCompleteCOMMessageTimeout()
          Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete COM message to be received.
 int getCompleteHTTPMessageTimeout()
          Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete HTTP message to be received.
 int getCompleteIIOPMessageTimeout()
          Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete IIOP message to be received.
 int getCompleteT3MessageTimeout()
          Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete T3 message to be received.
 java.lang.String getDefaultProtocol()
          Returns the protocol to be used for connections when none is specified.
 java.lang.String getDefaultSecureProtocol()
          Returns the protocol to be used for secure connections when none is specified.
 ExecuteQueueMBean[] getExecuteQueues()
          Returns the execute queues configured for this server.
 int getIdleIIOPConnectionTimeout()
          Specify the maximum number of seconds an IIOP connection is allowed to be idle before it is closed by the server.
 IIOPMBean getIIOP()
          Returns the kernel's IIOP configuration.
 LogMBean getLog()
          Returns the Log settings for this Kernel.
 int getMaxCOMMessageSize()
          Specify maximum size of an entire COM message.
 int getMaxHTTPMessageSize()
          Specify the maximum HTTP message size allowable in a message header.
 int getMaxIIOPMessageSize()
          Specify the maximum size for an entire IIOP message.
 int getMaxOpenSockCount()
          Returns the maximum number of open sockets allowed in server at a given point of time.
 int getMaxT3MessageSize()
          Specify the maximum size for an entire T3 message.
 SSLMBean getSSL()
          Returns the kernel's SSL configuration.
 java.lang.String getStdoutFormat()
          The output format to use when logging to the console.
 int getStdoutSeverityLevel()
          The minimum severity of a message that the server sends to standard out.
 int getStuckThreadMaxTime()
          Returns the time that is used to determine when a thread might be stuck.
 int getStuckThreadTimerInterval()
          Returns the time interval that is used to scan the state of the running threads.
 int getThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders()
          Returns the percentage (1-99) of execute threads from the default queue hat may be used as socket readers.
 boolean isInstrumentStackTraceEnabled()
          Determines whether exception messages include the server-side stack trace.
 boolean isLogRemoteExceptionsEnabled()
          Determines whether the server message log includes exceptions that are raised in remote systems.
 boolean isNativeIOEnabled()
          Whether or not native I/O is enabled for the server.
 boolean isReverseDNSAllowed()
          Returns whether or not the kernel is allowed to perform reverse DNS lookups.
 boolean isStdoutDebugEnabled()
          Determines whether the server sends messages of the DEBUG severity to standard out in addition to the log file.
 boolean isStdoutEnabled()
          Enables the server to send messages to standard out in addition to the log file.
 boolean isStdoutLogStack()
          Whether to dump stack traces to the console when included in logged message.
 void setCompleteCOMMessageTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete COM message.
 void setCompleteHTTPMessageTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete HTTP message.
 void setCompleteIIOPMessageTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete IIOP message.
 void setCompleteT3MessageTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete T3 message.
 void setDefaultProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
          Sets the protocol to be used for connections when none is specified.
 void setDefaultSecureProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
          Sets the protocol to be used for secure connections when none is specified.
 void setDGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout(int periods)
 void setIdleIIOPConnectionTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets the number of seconds that the server will allow an IIOP connection to be idle before closing it.
 void setInstrumentStackTraceEnabled(boolean enable)
 void setLogRemoteExceptionsEnabled(boolean enable)
 void setMaxCOMMessageSize(int maxsize)
          Sets the maximum size for an entire COM message.
 void setMaxHTTPMessageSize(int maxsize)
          Sets the maximum HTTP message size allowable in a message header.
 void setMaxIIOPMessageSize(int maxsize)
          Sets the maximum size of an entire IIOP message.
 void setMaxOpenSockCount(int sockCount)
          sets the maximum number of open sockets allowed in server at a given point of time.
 void setMaxT3MessageSize(int maxsize)
          Sets the maximum size of an entire T3 message.
 void setNativeIOEnabled(boolean enable)
          Set whether or not native I/O should be enabled.
 void setReverseDNSAllowed(boolean flag)
          Sets whether or not a Kernel is allowed to perform reverse DNS lookups.
 void setStdoutDebugEnabled(boolean enable)
 void setStdoutEnabled(boolean enable)
 void setStdoutFormat(java.lang.String format)
 void setStdoutLogStack(boolean stack)
 void setStdoutSeverityLevel(int severityLevel)
 void setStuckThreadMaxTime(int seconds)
 void setStuckThreadTimerInterval(int seconds)
 void setThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders(int percent)
          Sets the percentage (1-99) of execute threads from the default queue that may be used as socket readers.
Methods inherited from interface
addLinkMbeanAttribute, getNotes, isPersistenceEnabled, setNotes
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String STDOUT_STANDARD
Default format of messages logged to the console


public static final java.lang.String STDOUT_NOID
Format of messages logged to the console in WLS 6. Does not include message id in output.
Method Detail


public boolean isReverseDNSAllowed()
Returns whether or not the kernel is allowed to perform reverse DNS lookups.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: false
Old Property: weblogic.system.enableReverseDNSLookups


public void setReverseDNSAllowed(boolean flag)
                          throws DistributedManagementException
Sets whether or not a Kernel is allowed to perform reverse DNS lookups.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: false
Secure Value:  false


public java.lang.String getDefaultProtocol()
Returns the protocol to be used for connections when none is specified.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: "t3"
Old Property: weblogic.system.defaultProtocol
Legal Values: "t3","t3s","http","https","iiop"


public void setDefaultProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
Sets the protocol to be used for connections when none is specified.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the protocol is not supported by this kernel.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getDefaultSecureProtocol()
Returns the protocol to be used for secure connections when none is specified.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: "t3s"
Old Property: weblogic.system.defaultSecureProtocol
Legal Values: "t3s","https"


public void setDefaultSecureProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
Sets the protocol to be used for secure connections when none is specified.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the protocol is not supported by this kernel.
See Also:


public boolean isNativeIOEnabled()
Whether or not native I/O is enabled for the server.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: true
Old Property: weblogic.system.nativeIO.enable
See Also:


public void setNativeIOEnabled(boolean enable)
Set whether or not native I/O should be enabled.


public int getThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders()
Returns the percentage (1-99) of execute threads from the default queue hat may be used as socket readers.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 33
Old Property: weblogic.system.percentSocketReaders


public void setThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders(int percent)
Sets the percentage (1-99) of execute threads from the default queue that may be used as socket readers.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Legal Minimum Value: 1
Legal Maximum Value: 99
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.


public int getMaxT3MessageSize()
Specify the maximum size for an entire T3 message. This attribute attempts to prevent a denial of service attack whereby a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests. If this attribute is not set, the value of maxMessageSize is used. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

See Also:


public void setMaxT3MessageSize(int maxsize)
Sets the maximum size of an entire T3 message. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 10000000
Legal Minimum Value: 4096
Legal Maximum Value: 2000000000
Secure Value:  10000000
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.
See Also:


public int getMaxHTTPMessageSize()
Specify the maximum HTTP message size allowable in a message header. This attribute attempts to prevent a denial of service attack whereby a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests. If this attribute is not set, the value of maxMessageSize is used. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

See Also:


public void setMaxHTTPMessageSize(int maxsize)
Sets the maximum HTTP message size allowable in a message header. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 10000000
Legal Minimum Value: 4096
Legal Maximum Value: 2000000000
Secure Value:  10000000
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.
See Also:


public int getMaxCOMMessageSize()
Specify maximum size of an entire COM message. This attribute attempts to prevent a denial of service attack whereby a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests. If this attribute is not set, the value of maxMessageSize is used. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

See Also:


public void setMaxCOMMessageSize(int maxsize)
Sets the maximum size for an entire COM message. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 10000000
Legal Minimum Value: 4096
Legal Maximum Value: 2000000000
Secure Value:  10000000
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.
See Also:


public int getMaxIIOPMessageSize()
Specify the maximum size for an entire IIOP message. This attribute attempts to prevent a denial of service attack whereby a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests. If this attribute is not set, the value of maxMessageSize is used.


public void setMaxIIOPMessageSize(int maxsize)
Sets the maximum size of an entire IIOP message.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 10000000
Legal Minimum Value: 4096
Legal Maximum Value: 2000000000
Secure Value:  10000000
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.


public int getCompleteT3MessageTimeout()
Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete T3 message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
See Also:


public void setCompleteT3MessageTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete T3 message. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: 480
Secure Value:  60
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.
See Also:


public int getCompleteHTTPMessageTimeout()
Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete HTTP message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
See Also:


public void setCompleteHTTPMessageTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete HTTP message. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: 480
Secure Value:  60
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.
See Also:


public int getCompleteCOMMessageTimeout()
Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete COM message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute
See Also:


public void setCompleteCOMMessageTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete COM message. This setting only applies to connections that are initiated using one of the default ports (ServerMBean setListenPort and setAdministrationPort or SSLMBean setListenPort). Connections on additional ports are tuned via the NetworkChannelMBean.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: 480
Secure Value:  60
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.
See Also:


public int getIdleIIOPConnectionTimeout()
Specify the maximum number of seconds an IIOP connection is allowed to be idle before it is closed by the server. This attribute helps guard against server deadlock through too many open connections.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute


public void setIdleIIOPConnectionTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the number of seconds that the server will allow an IIOP connection to be idle before closing it.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Secure Value:  60
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.


public int getCompleteIIOPMessageTimeout()
Specify the maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete IIOP message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending.

A dynamic MBean attribute
A configurable MBean attribute


public void setCompleteIIOPMessageTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the number of seconds that the server will wait for a complete IIOP message.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: 480
Secure Value:  60
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or represents a negative int.


public void setDGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout(int periods)
                                   throws ConfigurationException


public SSLMBean getSSL()
Returns the kernel's SSL configuration. An SSL MBean is always linked to a particular Kernel and cannot be changed. Individual attributes on the SSL MBean may be changed, as documented, but the MBean itself may not.


public IIOPMBean getIIOP()
Returns the kernel's IIOP configuration. An IIOP MBean is always linked to a particular Kernel and cannot be changed. Individual attributes on the IIOP MBean may be changed, as documented, but the MBean itself may not.


public LogMBean getLog()
Returns the Log settings for this Kernel. An Log MBean is always linked to a particular Kernel and cannot be changed. Individual attributes on the Log MBean may be changed, as documented, but the MBean itself may not.


public boolean isStdoutEnabled()
Enables the server to send messages to standard out in addition to the log file. Use StdoutDebugEnabled and StdoutSeverityLevel to determine the type of messages that the server sends to standard out.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: true
Old Property: weblogic.system.enableConsole


public void setStdoutEnabled(boolean enable)
                      throws DistributedManagementException


public int getStdoutSeverityLevel()
The minimum severity of a message that the server sends to standard out. You must enable Log to Standard Out for this value to be relevant.

The ascending order of severities is as follows:

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: weblogic.logging.Severities.ERROR
Legal Values: weblogic.logging.Severities.INFO,weblogic.logging.Severities.WARNING,weblogic.logging.Severities.ERROR,weblogic.logging.Severities.NOTICE,weblogic.logging.Severities.CRITICAL,weblogic.logging.Severities.ALERT,weblogic.logging.Severities.EMERGENCY
Secure Value:  weblogic.logging.Severities.WARNING
See Also:


public void setStdoutSeverityLevel(int severityLevel)


public boolean isStdoutDebugEnabled()
Determines whether the server sends messages of the DEBUG severity to standard out in addition to the log file. You must enable Log to Standard Out for this property to be relevant.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: false
Secure Value:  false


public void setStdoutDebugEnabled(boolean enable)
                           throws DistributedManagementException


public boolean isLogRemoteExceptionsEnabled()
Determines whether the server message log includes exceptions that are raised in remote systems.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: false
Secure Value:  true


public void setLogRemoteExceptionsEnabled(boolean enable)
                                   throws DistributedManagementException


public boolean isInstrumentStackTraceEnabled()
Determines whether exception messages include the server-side stack trace.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: true
Secure Value:  false


public void setInstrumentStackTraceEnabled(boolean enable)
                                    throws DistributedManagementException


public ExecuteQueueMBean[] getExecuteQueues()
Returns the execute queues configured for this server.

A non-configurable MBean attribute.


public int getMaxOpenSockCount()
Returns the maximum number of open sockets allowed in server at a given point of time. When max threshold is reached, server stops accepting any more new requests until no of sockets drops below threshold.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: -1
Old Property: weblogic.system.openSockCount
Legal Minimum Value: -1
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE


public void setMaxOpenSockCount(int sockCount)
sets the maximum number of open sockets allowed in server at a given point of time. When max threshold is reached, server stops accepting any more new requests until no of sockets drops below threshold.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: -1
Legal Minimum Value: -1
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE


public java.lang.String getStdoutFormat()
The output format to use when logging to the console.



public void setStdoutFormat(java.lang.String format)


public boolean isStdoutLogStack()
Whether to dump stack traces to the console when included in logged message.

Default Value: true


public void setStdoutLogStack(boolean stack)


public int getStuckThreadMaxTime()
Returns the time that is used to determine when a thread might be stuck. If a thread has been working for this time, it might be stuck in some bad state.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 600
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE


public void setStuckThreadMaxTime(int seconds)


public int getStuckThreadTimerInterval()
Returns the time interval that is used to scan the state of the running threads. This along with StuckThreadMaxTime is used to determine when a thread might be stuck.

A configurable MBean attribute
Default Value: 600
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE


public void setStuckThreadTimerInterval(int seconds)

Documentation is available at

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference