BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface MessagingBridgeMBean

public interface MessagingBridgeMBean
extends DeploymentMBean

This class represents a messaging bridge, which enables you to configure a forwarding mechanism between any two messaging products—thereby, providing interoperability between separate implementations of WebLogic JMS or between WebLogic JMS and another messaging product.

For WebLogic JMS and third-party JMS products, a messaging bridge communicates with a configured source and target destinations using the resource adapters provided with WebLogic Server. For non-JMS messaging products, a customized adapter must be provided by a third-party OEM vendor to access non-JMS source or target destinations.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_AUTO
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_MANUAL
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_SCHEDULED
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_ATMOST_ONCE
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_DUPLICATE_OKAY
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Method Summary
 long getBatchInterval()
          Defines the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the bridge will wait before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size amount has been reached or not.
 int getBatchSize()
          Specifies the number of messages that are processed within one transaction.
 int getIdleTimeMaximum()
          Defines the maximum amount of idle time, in seconds, for the messaging bridge.
 java.lang.String getQualityOfService()
          Defines one of the following QOS (quality of service) values for the messaging bridge:
 int getReconnectDelayIncrease()
          Defines an incremental delay time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait longer between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.
 int getReconnectDelayMaximum()
          Defines the longest time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait between one failed attempt to reconnect to the source or target and the next retry.
 int getReconnectDelayMinimum()
          Defines the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.
 java.lang.String getSelector()
          Defines the message selector for the messaging bridge.
 BridgeDestinationCommonMBean getSourceDestination()
          Defines the source destination for the messaging bridge.
 BridgeDestinationCommonMBean getTargetDestination()
          Defines the target destination for the messaging bridge.
 int getTransactionTimeout()
          Defines the amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager will wait for each transaction before timing it out.
 boolean isAsyncEnabled()
          Indicates whether or not the messaging bridge will work in asynchronous messaging mode.
 boolean isDurabilityEnabled()
          Indicates whether or not the messaging bridge allows durable messages.
 boolean isQOSDegradationAllowed()
          Indicates whether or not the bridge allows the degradation of its QOS when the configured QOS is not available.
 boolean isStarted()
          Defines the initial state of the messaging bridge (that is, the state when the bridge boots).
 void setAsyncEnabled(boolean asyncEnabled)
          Indicates whether or not the messaging bridge will work in asynchronous messaging mode.
 void setBatchInterval(long interval)
          Defines the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the bridge will wait before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size amount has been reached or not.
 void setBatchSize(int size)
          Specifies the number of messages that are processed within one transaction.
 void setDurabilityEnabled(boolean durable)
          Defines whether or not the messaging bridge allows durable messages.
 void setIdleTimeMaximum(int time)
          Defines the maximum amount of idle time, in seconds, for the messaging bridge.
 void setQOSDegradationAllowed(boolean degradationAllowed)
          Indicates whether or not the bridge allows the degradation of its QOS when the configured QOS is not available.
 void setQualityOfService(java.lang.String qos)
          Defines one of the following QOS (quality of service) values for the messaging bridge:
 void setReconnectDelayIncrease(int time)
          Defines an incremental delay time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait longer between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.
 void setReconnectDelayMaximum(int time)
          Defines the longest time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait between one failed attempt to reconnect to the source or target and the next retry.
 void setReconnectDelayMinimum(int time)
          Defines the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.
 void setSelector(java.lang.String selector)
          Defines the message selector for the messaging bridge.
 void setSourceDestination(BridgeDestinationCommonMBean sourceDestination)
          Defines the source destination for the messaging bridge.
 void setStarted(boolean started)
          Defines the initial state of the messaging bridge (that is, the state when the bridge boots).
 void setTargetDestination(BridgeDestinationCommonMBean targetDestination)
          Defines the target destination for the messaging bridge.
 void setTransactionTimeout(int timeout)
          Defines the amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager will wait for each transaction before timing it out.
Methods inherited from interface
addTarget, getDeploymentOrder, getTargets, removeTarget, setDeploymentOrder, setTargets
Methods inherited from interface
addLinkMbeanAttribute, getNotes, isPersistenceEnabled, setNotes
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Field Detail


public static final long CACHING_STUB_SVUID


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_AUTO


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_MANUAL


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_SCHEDULED


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_ATMOST_ONCE


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_DUPLICATE_OKAY
Method Detail


public BridgeDestinationCommonMBean getSourceDestination()
Defines the source destination for the messaging bridge.

This must be an instance of either BridgeDestinationMBean or JMSBridgeDestinationMBean, which define the source destination from which the bridge reads messages.


public void setSourceDestination(BridgeDestinationCommonMBean sourceDestination)
Defines the source destination for the messaging bridge.

This must be an instance of either BridgeDestinationMBean or JMSBridgeDestinationMBean, which define the source destination from which the bridge reads messages.

Default Value: null
Legal NULL: false


public BridgeDestinationCommonMBean getTargetDestination()
Defines the target destination for the messaging bridge.

This must be an instance of either BridgeDestinationMBean or JMSBridgeDestinationMBean, which define the target destination to which the bridge sends the messages it receives from the source destination.


public void setTargetDestination(BridgeDestinationCommonMBean targetDestination)
Defines the target destination for the messaging bridge.

This must be an instance of either BridgeDestinationMBean or JMSBridgeDestinationMBean, which define the target destination to which the bridge sends the messages it receives from the source destination.

Default Value: null
Legal NULL: false


public java.lang.String getSelector()
Defines the message selector for the messaging bridge.

The message selector allows you to filter the messages that are sent across the messaging bridge. Only messages that match the selection criteria are sent across the messaging bridge. For queues, messages that do not match the selection criteria are left behind and accumulate in the queue. For topics, messages that do not match the connection criteria are dropped.


public void setSelector(java.lang.String selector)
Defines the message selector for the messaging bridge.

The selector allows you to filter the messages that are sent across the messaging bridge. Only messages that match the selection criteria are sent across the messaging bridge. For queues, messages that do not match the selection criteria are left behind and accumulate in the queue. For topics, messages that do not match the connection criteria are dropped.


public java.lang.String getQualityOfService()
Defines one of the following QOS (quality of service) values for the messaging bridge:

Each message in the source destination will be transferred to the target exactly once. This is the highest QOS a bridge can offer.
One message in the source will be transferred to the target only once with the possibility of being lost during the forwarding.
Messages in the source will not get lost but some may appear in the target more than once.


public void setQualityOfService(java.lang.String qos)
Defines one of the following QOS (quality of service) values for the messaging bridge:

Each message in the source destination will be transferred to the target exactly once. This is the highest QOS a bridge can offer.
One message in the source will be transferred to the target only once with the possibility of being lost during the forwarding.
Messages in the source will not get lost but some may appear in the target more than once.



public boolean isQOSDegradationAllowed()
Indicates whether or not the bridge allows the degradation of its QOS when the configured QOS is not available.


public void setQOSDegradationAllowed(boolean degradationAllowed)
Indicates whether or not the bridge allows the degradation of its QOS when the configured QOS is not available.

If set to true, the bridge will degrade the QOS when the configured QOS is not available. If this occurs, a message is delivered to the WebLogic startup window (or log file).

If set to false, and the messaging bridge cannot satisfy the quality of service requested, it will result in an error and the messaging bridge will not start.

Default Value: false


public boolean isDurabilityEnabled()
Indicates whether or not the messaging bridge allows durable messages.

This only applies to a source destination that uses durable subscriptions, which allows the source JMS implementation to save messages that are sent to it while the bridge is not running. The bridge will forward these messages to the target destination when it is restarted. The administrator can choose not to be durable.


public void setDurabilityEnabled(boolean durable)
Defines whether or not the messaging bridge allows durable messages.

A messaging bridge that has this attribute set to true creates a durable subscription for its source destination--if the source destination type is a topic. This allows the source JMS implementation to save messages that are sent to it while the bridge is not running. The bridge will forward these messages to the target destination when it is restarted. If the value is set to false, messages that are sent to the source JMS topic while the bridge is down cannot be forwarded to the target destination.

Default Value: true


public int getReconnectDelayMinimum()
Defines the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.

This attribute works with the ReconnectDelayMaximum and ReconnectDelayIncrease attributes. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.

If the second trial also fails, it will increase its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore.

Once the bridge successfully connects to the destination, its waiting time will be reset to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.


public void setReconnectDelayMinimum(int time)
Defines the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.

This attribute works with the ReconnectDelayMaximum and ReconnectDelayIncrease attributes. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. If the second trial also fails, it will increase its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore.

Once the bridge successfully connects to the destination, its waiting time will be reset to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 15
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public int getReconnectDelayIncrease()
Defines an incremental delay time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait longer between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.

This attribute works with the ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayMaximum attributes. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.

Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge will increase its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore.

Once the bridge successfully connects to the destination, its waiting time will be reset to the minimum value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.


public void setReconnectDelayIncrease(int time)
Defines an incremental delay time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait longer between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.

This attribute works with the ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayMaximum attributes. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge will increase its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore.

Once the bridge successfully connects to the destination, its waiting time will be reset to the minimum value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 5
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public int getReconnectDelayMaximum()
Defines the longest time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait between one failed attempt to reconnect to the source or target and the next retry.

This attribute works with the ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayIncrease attributes. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.

Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge will increase its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore.

Once the bridge successfully connects to the destination, its waiting time will be reset to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.


public void setReconnectDelayMaximum(int time)
Defines the longest time, in seconds, that the messaging bridge will wait between one failed attempt to reconnect to the source or target and the next retry.

This attribute works with the ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayIncrease attributes. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge will increase its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore.

Once the bridge successfully connects to the destination, its waiting time will be reset to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public int getIdleTimeMaximum()
Defines the maximum amount of idle time, in seconds, for the messaging bridge.

If the bridge works in asynchronous mode, the maximum idle time defines the longest time the bridge will stay idle before it checks the sanity of its connection to the source.

If the bridge works in synchronous mode, the maximum idle time defines the amount of time the bridge can block on a receive call if no transaction is involved.


public void setIdleTimeMaximum(int time)
Defines the maximum amount of idle time, in seconds, for the messaging bridge.

If the bridge works in asynchronous mode, the maximum idle time defines the longest time the bridge will stay idle before it checks the sanity of its connection to the source.

If the bridge works in synchronous mode, the maximum idle time defines the amount of time the bridge can block on a receive call if no transaction is involved.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 60
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public int getTransactionTimeout()
Defines the amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager will wait for each transaction before timing it out.

Transaction timeouts are used when the QOS for a bridge requires transactions. If a bridge is configured with Exactly-once QOS, the receiving and sending is completed in one transaction.


public void setTransactionTimeout(int timeout)
Defines the amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager will wait for each transaction before timing it out.

Transaction timeouts are used when the QOS for a bridge requires transactions. If a bridge is configured with Exactly-once QOS, the receiving and sending is completed in one transaction.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 30
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE


public boolean isAsyncEnabled()
Indicates whether or not the messaging bridge will work in asynchronous messaging mode.

Note: This attribute only applies to messaging bridges whose source destination supports asynchronous receiving.

Messaging bridges that work in asynchronous mode (true) are driven by the source destination. The messaging bridge listens for messages and forwards them as they arrive. When the value is set to false, the bridge is forced to work in synchronous mode, even if the source supports asynchronous receiving.

Note: For a messaging bridge with a QOS of Exactly-once to work in asynchronous mode, the source destination has to support the MDBTransaction interface. Otherwise, the bridge will automatically switch to synchronous mode if it detects that MDBTransactions are not supported by the source destination.


public void setAsyncEnabled(boolean asyncEnabled)
Indicates whether or not the messaging bridge will work in asynchronous messaging mode.

Note: This attribute only applies to messaging bridges whose source destination supports asynchronous receiving.

Messaging bridges that work in asynchronous mode (true) are driven by the source destination. The messaging bridge listens for messages and forwards them as they arrive. When the value is set to false, the bridge is forced to work in synchronous mode, even if the source supports asynchronous receiving.

Note: For a messaging bridge with a QOS of Exactly-once to work in asynchronous mode, the source destination has to support the MDBTransaction interface. Otherwise, the bridge will automatically switch to synchronous mode if it detects that MDBTransactions are not supported by the source destination.

Default Value: true


public boolean isStarted()
Defines the initial state of the messaging bridge (that is, the state when the bridge boots). If the value is true, the bridge is in working condition. If the value is false, the bridge is temporarily stopped.

Note: This does not indicate the run-time state of the bridge.


public void setStarted(boolean started)
Defines the initial state of the messaging bridge (that is, the state when the bridge boots). Setting the value to true starts the bridge, if it has not been started. Setting the value to false temporarily stops the bridge.

Note: This does not indicate the run-time state of the bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: true


public int getBatchSize()
Specifies the number of messages that are processed within one transaction.

Note: This attribute only applies to bridges that work in synchronous mode and whose QOS require two-phase transactions.


public void setBatchSize(int size)
Specifies the number of messages that are processed within one transaction.

Note: This attribute only applies to bridges that work in synchronous mode and whose QOS require two-phase transactions.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 10
Legal Minimum Value: 0


public long getBatchInterval()
Defines the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the bridge will wait before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size amount has been reached or not. The default value of -1 indicates that the bridge will wait until the number of messages reaches the Batch Size before it completes a transaction.

Note: This attribute only applies to bridges that work in synchronous mode and whose QOS require two-phase transactions.


public void setBatchInterval(long interval)
Defines the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the bridge will wait before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size amount has been reached or not. The default value of -1 indicates that the bridge will wait until the number of messages reaches the Batch Size before it completes a transaction.

Note: This attribute only applies to bridges that work in synchronous mode and whose QOS require two-phase transactions.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: -1

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference