BEA Systems, Inc.
Class DeploymentData


public class DeploymentData
extends java.lang.Object

Describes the targets involved in an application deployment. DeploymentData objects are used when invoking deployments via the DeployerRuntimeMBean methods. The object defines the list of target servers, clusters and virtual hosts that apply to a specific deployment request, and may also be used to identify specific files to refresh as part of the deployment.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int CLUSTER
          Target is a Cluster
static int SERVER
          Target is a Server
static int UNKNOWN
          Target type is unknown either because it has not been set or is not available.
static int VIRTUALHOST
          Target is a Virtual Host
Constructor Summary
          Creates empty DeploymentData object, one with no targets defined and no file list.
DeploymentData(java.lang.String[] files)
          Creates DeploymentData object, with no targets defined and a file list.
Method Summary
 void addModuleToTarget(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String module)
          Adds a module name to an existing target in this object.
 void addTarget(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String[] modules)
          Adds a target name to this object.
 void addTargetsForComponent(ApplicationMBean mbean, java.lang.String compName)
          Creates target/module list based on application configuration.
 boolean getClusterConstraints()
 boolean getDelete()
 java.lang.String[] getFiles()
          Returns the files specific to this deployment
 java.lang.String[] getModules()
          Returns list of all modules, regardless of target.
 java.lang.String[] getModulesForTarget(java.lang.String target)
          Returns list of modules for a particular target defined in this object.
 java.lang.String[] getTargets()
          Returns a list of targets (server, web server, virtual hosts and cluster names) An empty array indicates no targets, whereas a null return value implies all configured targets.
 java.util.Set getTargetsForModule(java.lang.String module)
          Returns list of target names associated with a specific module.
 int getTargetType(java.lang.String target)
          Specifies the type of target involved.
 int getTimeOut()
          Timeout value (in milliseconds) used for 2 phase deployments.
 void setClusterConstraints(boolean clusterConstraints)
 void setDelete(boolean deleteFlag)
          Indicates whether to add or remove files from the application's staging area.
 void setTargetType(java.lang.String target, int type)
          Specifies the type of target involved.
 void setTimeOut(int timeInMillis)
          Overrides deployment timeout value.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Constructs a String representation of the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNKNOWN
Target type is unknown either because it has not been set or is not available.


public static final int CLUSTER
Target is a Cluster


public static final int SERVER
Target is a Server


public static final int VIRTUALHOST
Target is a Virtual Host
Constructor Detail


public DeploymentData()
Creates empty DeploymentData object, one with no targets defined and no file list.


public DeploymentData(java.lang.String[] files)
Creates DeploymentData object, with no targets defined and a file list.

files - is a list of file names to be deployed. This defines a partial deployment, one where individual files are distributed instead of entire applications. This is only valid for redeployments. The files in the list are relative to the root of the application. This argument may be null.
Method Detail


public void setDelete(boolean deleteFlag)
Indicates whether to add or remove files from the application's staging area. This only applies when a file list is included.

deleteFlag, - if true, will result in the listed files being removed from the staging and active areas, and only if they were staged to those locations. The default is false.


public boolean getDelete()


public void setClusterConstraints(boolean clusterConstraints)


public boolean getClusterConstraints()


public int getTimeOut()
Timeout value (in milliseconds) used for 2 phase deployments. This value defaults to ApplicationMBean.DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT, but can be overriden with setTimeOut(int) method. Deployment tasks that remain running for more than this time are automatically cancelled, with their state becoming failed. For cluster deployments, this will result in a rollback of the entire deployment.


public void setTimeOut(int timeInMillis)
Overrides deployment timeout value.

See Also:


public void addTarget(java.lang.String target,
                      java.lang.String[] modules)
Adds a target name to this object. The name must be the name of a server, cluster, web server or virtual host. Any number of targets may be added. Each target may be further qualified with module names via the modules parameter. If no modules are specified the deployment applies to all modules. e.g. for an activation, all modules in the application are deployed to the target. If modules are included, then the activation applies only to those modules for the specified target.

Modules may also be added using the addModuleToTarget(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) method.

target - is the name of a server, cluster or virtual host. Virtual hosts are only valid for web deployments.
modules - is an optional list of module names which are specifically targetted to the named target. A null value indicates all modules. An empty array implies no modules.


public java.lang.String[] getModulesForTarget(java.lang.String target)
Returns list of modules for a particular target defined in this object. A null is returned if all modules configured in the associated application are to be involved in the deployment. An empty list implies that no modules are to be involved in the deployment to the target.


public void addModuleToTarget(java.lang.String target,
                              java.lang.String module)
Adds a module name to an existing target in this object. The target name must already have been added to this object. If it is desired that all modules be involved in the deployment to the target, then there is no need to add module names as qualifiers to the target.

target - is the server, cluster, web server or virtual host to receive the module.
module - is the name of the module to be deployed to this target.


public void addTargetsForComponent(ApplicationMBean mbean,
                                   java.lang.String compName)
                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Creates target/module list based on application configuration. This is a convenience method for the case where the user has access to the configured application, the ApplicationMBean, and wants to create a target list based on the existing configuration. The compName parameter identifies the specific module in the application, and the configured targets for that module are used to populate the targets for this object.

mbean - is the application containing the component
compName - is the component whose targets will be added to this object


public java.util.Set getTargetsForModule(java.lang.String module)
Returns list of target names associated with a specific module. Targets may be servers, clusters or virtual hosts. An empty list is returned if a module has no targets for this deployment. The Set object returned is capable of remove operations.


public java.lang.String[] getModules()
Returns list of all modules, regardless of target. The list returned is based on what has been defined for this object and does not represent any configured state of an application.


public java.lang.String[] getTargets()
Returns a list of targets (server, web server, virtual hosts and cluster names) An empty array indicates no targets, whereas a null return value implies all configured targets.


public java.lang.String[] getFiles()
Returns the files specific to this deployment


public int getTargetType(java.lang.String target)
Specifies the type of target involved. Can be a cluster, server, web server or virtual host

target - is the name of the target being checked.


public void setTargetType(java.lang.String target,
                          int type)
Specifies the type of target involved. Can be a cluster, server, web server or virtual host

target - is the name of the target being updated.
type - the type of the target.


public java.lang.String toString()
Constructs a String representation of the object.

toString in class java.lang.Object

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