BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface ConnectorConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean

public interface ConnectorConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean

This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Connector Connection Pool

Method Summary
 int getActiveConnectionsCurrentCount()
          Returns the current total active connections.
 int getActiveConnectionsHighCount()
          Returns the high water mark of active connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.
 int getAverageActiveUsage()
          Returns the running average usage of created connections that are active in the Connector Pool since the pool was last shrunk.
 int getCapacityIncrement()
          Returns the initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.
 java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryName()
          Returns the configured ConnectionFactory Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.
 int getConnectionIdleProfileCount()
          Returns the number of Idle connection profiles stored for this pool.
 weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionIdleProfiles()
          Returns all LeakProfiles in the entire array of Idle profiles.
 weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionIdleProfiles(int index, int count)
          Returns an array of count LeakProfiles starting at the passed index, in the entire array of Idle profiles.
 int getConnectionLeakProfileCount()
          Returns the number of Leak connection profiles stored for this pool.
 weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionLeakProfiles()
          Returns an array of count LeakProfiles
 weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionLeakProfiles(int index, int count)
          Returns an array of count LeakProfiles starting at the passed index, in the entire array of Leak profiles.
 boolean getConnectionProfilingEnabled()
          Returns all LeakProfiles in the entire array of Leak profiles.
 ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBean[] getConnections()
          Returns an array of ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBeans that each represents the statistics for a Connector Connection.
 int getConnectionsCreatedTotalCount()
          Returns the total number of Connector connections created in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.
 int getConnectionsDestroyedTotalCount()
          Returns the total number of Connector connections destroyed in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.
 int getConnectionsMatchedTotalCount()
          Returns the total number of times a request for a Connector connections was satisfied via the use of an existing created connection since the pool is instantiated.
 int getConnectionsRejectedTotalCount()
          Returns the total number of rejected requests for a Connector connections in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.
 int getFreeConnectionsCurrentCount()
          Returns the current total free connections.
 int getFreeConnectionsHighCount()
          Returns the high water mark of free connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.
 int getInitialCapacity()
          Returns the initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.
 java.lang.String getJNDIName()
          Returns the configured JNDI Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.
 java.lang.String getLogFileName()
          Returns the Log File used by the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.
 int getMaxCapacity()
          Returns the maximum capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.
 int getMaxIdleTime()
          Returns the configured MaxIdle time for this pool
 int getNumberDetectedIdle()
          Returns the total number of idle connections detected in the lifetime of this pool.
 int getNumberDetectedLeaks()
          Returns the total number of leaked connections detected in the lifetime of this pool.
 java.lang.String getPoolName()
          Returns the configured Logical Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.
 int getRecycledTotal()
          Returns the total number of Connector connections that have been recycled in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.
 java.lang.String getResourceAdapterLinkRefName()
          Returns the Resource Adapter Link Reference for cases where this Connection Factory refers to an existing Resource Adapter deployment.
 int getShrinkCountDownTime()
          Returns the amount of time left (in minutes) until an attempt to shrink the pool will be made.
 int getShrinkPeriodMinutes()
          Returns the Shrink Period (in minutes) of this Connector connection pool.
 java.lang.String getTransactionSupport()
          Returns the transaction support level for the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.
 boolean isLoggingEnabled()
          Returns the Log File used by the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.
 boolean isShrinkingEnabled()
          Is shrinking of this Connector connection pool enabled.
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getPoolName()
Returns the configured Logical Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.


public java.lang.String getJNDIName()
Returns the configured JNDI Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.


public java.lang.String getConnectionFactoryName()
Returns the configured ConnectionFactory Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.


public java.lang.String getResourceAdapterLinkRefName()
Returns the Resource Adapter Link Reference for cases where this Connection Factory refers to an existing Resource Adapter deployment.


public boolean isLoggingEnabled()
Returns the Log File used by the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.


public java.lang.String getLogFileName()
Returns the Log File used by the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.


public java.lang.String getTransactionSupport()
Returns the transaction support level for the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.


public int getMaxCapacity()
Returns the maximum capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.


public int getInitialCapacity()
Returns the initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.


public int getCapacityIncrement()
Returns the initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.


public boolean isShrinkingEnabled()
Is shrinking of this Connector connection pool enabled.


public int getShrinkPeriodMinutes()
Returns the Shrink Period (in minutes) of this Connector connection pool.


public int getActiveConnectionsCurrentCount()
Returns the current total active connections.


public int getActiveConnectionsHighCount()
Returns the high water mark of active connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.


public int getFreeConnectionsCurrentCount()
Returns the current total free connections.


public int getFreeConnectionsHighCount()
Returns the high water mark of free connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.


public int getAverageActiveUsage()
Returns the running average usage of created connections that are active in the Connector Pool since the pool was last shrunk.


public int getShrinkCountDownTime()
Returns the amount of time left (in minutes) until an attempt to shrink the pool will be made.


public int getRecycledTotal()
Returns the total number of Connector connections that have been recycled in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.


public int getConnectionsCreatedTotalCount()
Returns the total number of Connector connections created in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.


public int getConnectionsMatchedTotalCount()
Returns the total number of times a request for a Connector connections was satisfied via the use of an existing created connection since the pool is instantiated.


public int getConnectionsDestroyedTotalCount()
Returns the total number of Connector connections destroyed in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.


public int getConnectionsRejectedTotalCount()
Returns the total number of rejected requests for a Connector connections in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.


public ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBean[] getConnections()
Returns an array of ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBeans that each represents the statistics for a Connector Connection.


public int getConnectionIdleProfileCount()
Returns the number of Idle connection profiles stored for this pool.


public weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionIdleProfiles(int index,
                                                                                       int count)
Returns an array of count LeakProfiles starting at the passed index, in the entire array of Idle profiles.


public weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionLeakProfiles()
Returns an array of count LeakProfiles


public weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionIdleProfiles()
Returns all LeakProfiles in the entire array of Idle profiles.


public int getConnectionLeakProfileCount()
Returns the number of Leak connection profiles stored for this pool.


public weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionLeakProfile[] getConnectionLeakProfiles(int index,
                                                                                       int count)
Returns an array of count LeakProfiles starting at the passed index, in the entire array of Leak profiles.


public boolean getConnectionProfilingEnabled()
Returns all LeakProfiles in the entire array of Leak profiles.


public int getMaxIdleTime()
Returns the configured MaxIdle time for this pool


public int getNumberDetectedIdle()
Returns the total number of idle connections detected in the lifetime of this pool.


public int getNumberDetectedLeaks()
Returns the total number of leaked connections detected in the lifetime of this pool.

Documentation is available at

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference