BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface ServerRuntimeMBean

public interface ServerRuntimeMBean

Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about a server instance and for transitioning a server from one state to another.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String RUNNING
          Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is running.
static java.lang.String SHUTDOWN_IN_PROCESS
          Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is in the process of shutting down.
static java.lang.String SHUTDOWN_PENDING
          Value returned by getState() to indicate the server will be shutting down.
static java.lang.String STANDBY
          Value returned by getState() to indicate that the server is in a standby state.
static java.lang.String SUSPENDED
          Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is has been suspended.
static java.lang.String UNKNOWN
          Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is in an unknown state.
Method Summary
 long getActivationTime()
          Return the time when the server was started.
 int getAdministrationPort()
          Return the administration port on which this server is listening for
 java.lang.String getAdminServerHost()
          Return the address on which admin server is listening for connections.
 int getAdminServerListenPort()
          Return the port on which admin server is listening for connections.
 ClusterRuntimeMBean getClusterRuntime()
          Return an mbean which represents this server's view of its cluster, if any.
 java.lang.String getCurrentDirectory()
          Returns the absolute path of the Server's "user.dir" or in other words the directory from which the server was started. getHealthState()
          For Server Health Monitoring.
 java.lang.String getJVMID()
          Return the JVMID of the server.
 java.lang.String getListenAddress()
          Return the address on which this server is listening for connections.
 int getListenPort()
          Return the port on which this server is listening for connections.
 int getOpenSocketsCurrentCount()
          Return the current number sockets registered for socket muxing on this server.
 int getRestartsTotalCount()
          Return the total number of restarts for this server since the cluster was last activated.
 ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean getServerSecurityRuntime()
          Return the ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean for this server.
 long getSocketsOpenedTotalCount()
          Return the total number of registrations for socket muxing on this sever.
 java.lang.String getSSLListenAddress()
          Return the address on which this server is listening for connections.
 int getSSLListenPort()
          Return the port on which this server is listening for SSL connections.
 java.lang.String getState()
          Returns current state of the server.
 java.lang.String getWeblogicVersion()
          Return the version of the server
 boolean isAdministrationPortEnabled()
          Return if the administrationPort is enabled on the server
 boolean isAdminServer()
          Checks if the server is an administrator server.
 boolean isAdminServerListenPortSecure()
          Return the secureType on which admin server is listening for connections.
 boolean isListenPortEnabled()
          Return if the default listenPort is enabled on the server
 boolean isSSLListenPortEnabled()
          Return if the default lSSListenPort is enabled on the server
 void setHealthState(int state, java.lang.String reason)
          For Server Health Monitoring.
 void start()
          Start suspended server.
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RUNNING
Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is running.


public static final java.lang.String SHUTDOWN_PENDING
Value returned by getState() to indicate the server will be shutting down.


public static final java.lang.String SHUTDOWN_IN_PROCESS
Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is in the process of shutting down.


public static final java.lang.String SUSPENDED
Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is has been suspended.


public static final java.lang.String STANDBY
Value returned by getState() to indicate that the server is in a standby state.


public static final java.lang.String UNKNOWN
Value returned by getState() to indicate the the server is in an unknown state.
Method Detail


public void start()
Start suspended server. Allow new requests. This method will be deprecated in the next release.


public java.lang.String getState()
Returns current state of the server.


public long getActivationTime()
Return the time when the server was started.


public java.lang.String getListenAddress()
Return the address on which this server is listening for connections. For example this might return the string: santiago/


public int getListenPort()
Return the port on which this server is listening for connections.


public int getSSLListenPort()
Return the port on which this server is listening for SSL connections.


public int getAdministrationPort()
Return the administration port on which this server is listening for


public java.lang.String getSSLListenAddress()
Return the address on which this server is listening for connections. For example this might return the string: santiago/


public java.lang.String getJVMID()
Return the JVMID of the server.


public int getOpenSocketsCurrentCount()
Return the current number sockets registered for socket muxing on this server.


public int getRestartsTotalCount()
Return the total number of restarts for this server since the cluster was last activated.


public long getSocketsOpenedTotalCount()
Return the total number of registrations for socket muxing on this sever.


public java.lang.String getWeblogicVersion()
Return the version of the server


public ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean getServerSecurityRuntime()
Return the ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean for this server.


public ClusterRuntimeMBean getClusterRuntime()
Return an mbean which represents this server's view of its cluster, if any.


public java.lang.String getAdminServerHost()
Return the address on which admin server is listening for connections. For example this might return the string: santiago


public int getAdminServerListenPort()
Return the port on which admin server is listening for connections.


public boolean isAdminServerListenPortSecure()
Return the secureType on which admin server is listening for connections.


public boolean isListenPortEnabled()
Return if the default listenPort is enabled on the server


public boolean isSSLListenPortEnabled()
Return if the default lSSListenPort is enabled on the server


public boolean isAdministrationPortEnabled()
Return if the administrationPort is enabled on the server


public getHealthState()
For Server Health Monitoring.
Specified by:
getHealthState in interface


public void setHealthState(int state,
                           java.lang.String reason)
For Server Health Monitoring.


public boolean isAdminServer()
Checks if the server is an administrator server.


public java.lang.String getCurrentDirectory()
Returns the absolute path of the Server's "user.dir" or in other words the directory from which the server was started. This may be used in conjuction with other relative paths on The configuration ServerMBean to computate full paths.

Documentation is available at

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference