BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface RoleEditorMBean

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface RoleEditorMBean
extends, RoleReaderMBean

Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing policies. An Authorization-provider MBean can optionally extend this MBean. The WebLogic Server Administration Console detects when an Authorization provider extends this MBean and automatically provides a GUI for using these methods.

Method Summary
 void createRole(java.lang.String resourceId, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String expression)
          Creates role for a resource.
 void removeRole(java.lang.String resourceId, java.lang.String roleName)
          Removes a role from a resource.
 void setRoleExpression(java.lang.String resourceId, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String expression)
          Sets the policy expression for a role.
Methods inherited from interface
getRoleExpression, listRolesForResource, roleExists

Method Detail


public void createRole(java.lang.String resourceId,
                       java.lang.String roleName,
                       java.lang.String expression)
                throws AlreadyExistsException,
Creates role for a resource.

resourceId - - The resource that scopes the new role. Each resource has its predefined 'hierachy'. This new role is applicable to all of the given resouce's descendants if any. A null indicates a global role, no scoping resource, which applies to all resources within the container.
roleName - - The name of the role that this method creates. A null value will trigger NullPointerException.
expression - - The expression policy designates which user or group having this named 'role'. A null value indicates this role is not granted to anyone.
AlreadyExistsException -  
CreateException -  


public void removeRole(java.lang.String resourceId,
                       java.lang.String roleName)
                throws NotFoundException,
Removes a role from a resource.

resourceId - - The resource that scopes the role. Each role has a scoping resource. A null indicates a global role.
roleName - - The role that this method removes. A null value will trigger NullPointerException.
NotFoundException -  
RemoveException -  


public void setRoleExpression(java.lang.String resourceId,
                              java.lang.String roleName,
                              java.lang.String expression)
                       throws NotFoundException,
Sets the policy expression for a role.

resourceId - - The resource that scopes the new role. Each resource has its predefined 'hierachy'. This role is applicable to all of the given resouce's descendants if any. A null indicates a global role, no scoping resource, which applies to all resources within the container.
roleName - - The name of the role for which this method replaces a policy. A null value will trigger NullPointerException.
expression - - The expression policy designates which user or group having this named 'role'. A null value indicates this role is not granted to anyone.
NotFoundException -  
CreateException -  

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference