BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use ListResponse

Uses of ListResponse in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response

Subclasses of ListResponse in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response
 class BindingDetail
          BindingDetail contains specific bindingTemplate information in response to a get_bindingDetail or find_binding inquiry message.
 class BusinessDetail
          BusinessDetail contains one or more businessEntity data sets.
 class BusinessDetailExt
          BusinessDetailExt contains one or more businessEntity data sets in response to a get_businessDetailExt message
 class BusinessList
          BusinessList contains one or more businessInfo data sets in response to a find_business inquiry message.
 class DispositionReport
          The dispositionReport structure is a collection of result structures that hold imformation about the completion status of a uddi api function call.
 class RegisteredInfo
          The registeredInfo structure is a response to a get_registeredInfo message.
 class ServiceDetail
          ServiceDetail contains BusinessService structures when returned by get_serviceDetail
 class ServiceList
 class TModelDetail
          TModelDetail contains complete details about tModel.
 class TModelList
          TModelList structure is a collection of TModelInfos.

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference