BEA Systems, Inc.


Interface Summary
XMLPullReader Defines an interface that wraps a SAX XMLReader and provides extra methods needed to parse SAX events in a pull mode.

Class Summary
AcceptingFilter This is the implementation of the filter interface for Names
NameFilter This is the implementation of the filter interface for Names
NameSpaceFilter This is the implementation of the filter interface for Names
NamespaceTypeFilter This is the implementation of the filter interface for Names
PipedXMLInputStreamBase This is the implementation of the interface for creating Filters on XMLInputStreams
RecyclingFactory Defines a factory that recycles instances of the XMLInputStream API.
TypeFilter This is the implementation of the filter interface for types Creates a filter that accepts a certain type of XMLEvent type is an integer code that indicates the element type Valid values are XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, XMLEvent.CHARACTER_DATA, XMLEvent.COMMENT, XMLEvent.SPACE, XMLEvent.START_PREFIX_MAPPING, XMLEvent.END_PREFIX_MAPPING, XMLEvent.CHANGE_PREFIX_MAPPING, XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE
XMLInputOutputStreamBase This object provides an I/O stream
XMLInputStreamFilterBase This is the implementation of the interface for creating Filters on XMLInputStreams
XMLPullReaderBase Implements the XMLPullReader interface using the weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
XMLSubStreamBase This implements substreams from a parent stream.

Documentation is available at

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference