Using WebLogic Logging Services

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Listening for Messages from the WebLogic Server Log

Each WebLogic Server instance broadcasts its log messages in the form of JMX notifications. The broadcast includes all messages (except those of the DEBUG severity level) that the WebLogic Server instance, its subsystems, and any applications write to the WebLogic Server log. An Administration Server listens for these notifications and places a subset of them in the domain-wide message log. (See Figure 1-1, "WebLogic Server Logging Services," on page 1-6.)

Your application also can listen for log messages that are broadcast from a WebLogic Server instance. For example, your application can listen for a log message that signals the failure of a specific subsystem. Then your application can perform actions such as:

To listen for these notifications, you create a notification listener and register it with the WebLogic Server broadcast MBean, LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean. A notification listener is an implementation of the JMX NotificationListener interface. When LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean emits a notification, it uses the registered listener's handleNotification method to pass a WebLogicLogNotification object. (See Figure 4-1.)

Figure 4-1 WebLogic Broadcaster and Your Listener


A subsequent subsection, WebLogicLogNotification Objects, provides more information about WebLogicLogNotification objects

To enable your application to listen for notifications from a WebLogic Server log, complete the following tasks:

Note: If your application runs outside a WebLogic Server JVM, it can listen for WebLogic Server log notifications, but it cannot use WebLogic logging services to broadcast messages.


Step 1: Create a Notification Listener

The steps that you follow to create a notification listener differ depending on whether your application runs within a WebLogic Server JVM.

This section contains the following subsections:

Creating a Notification Listener for an Application that Runs Within a WebLogic Server JVM

If your application runs within a WebLogic Server JVM, do the following:

  1. Import the* interfaces. Because WebLogic Server already includes these interfaces and requires them to be on the classpath, you need only to include an import statement in your class.

  2. Create a class that implements NotificationListener. Your implementation must include the NotificationListener.handleNotification() method.

    For more information on NotificationListener, refer to the Javadoc, which you can download from

Figure 4-2 shows a system in which a JSP is running within a WebLogic Server JVM. The JSP listens for notifications from LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean.

Figure 4-2 Listener for a Local JSP


Listing 4-1 provides an example notification listener for a local client. The listener uses WebLogicLogNotification getter methods to print all messages that it receives. For more information, refer to WebLogicLogNotification Objects.

Listing 4-1 Example Notification Listener for a Local Client

public class MyNotificationListener implements
        NotificationListener {
public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object obj) {
        WebLogicLogNotification wln = (WebLogicLogNotification)notification;
        System.out.println(" type = " + wln.getType());
        System.out.println(" message id = " + wln.getMessageId());
        System.out.println(" server name = " + wln.getServername());
        System.out.println(" timestamp = " + wln.getTimeStamp());
        System.out.println(" message = " + wln.getMessage() + "\n");

Creating a Notification Listener for a Remote Application

If your application resides outside of the WebLogic Server JVM, do the following:

  1. Make sure that WL_HOME/server/lib/weblogic_sp.jar and WL_HOME/server/lib/weblogic.jar are in the application's classpath.

  2. Import the* interfaces.

  3. Create a class that implements RemoteNotificationListener MBean makes notifications available to remote applications via RMI by extending and java.rmi.

    Your implementation must include the RemoteNotificationListener.handleNotification() method. For more information, refer to the Javadoc.

Figure 4-3 shows a system in which a JSP runs in the WebLogic Server JVM and an application runs in a remote JVM. To listen for notifications, the JSP implements NotificationListener and the remote application implements RemoteNotificationListener.

Figure 4-3 Local JSP and Remote Application


Listing 4-2 provides an example notification listener for a remote client.

Listing 4-2 Example Notification Listener for a Remote Client

public class MyRemoteNotificationListener implements
        RemoteNotificationListener {
public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object obj) {
        WebLogicLogNotification wln = (WebLogicLogNotification)notification;


Step 2: Register the Notification Listener

After you implement your notification listener, you must register it with LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean on a WebLogic Server instance. Because each instance broadcasts its own notifications, you must register your notification listener on each WebLogic Server instance from which you want to receive notifications.

This section describes the code fragment that you use to register a listener. You can add this fragment to a class that runs when your client application starts, when a WebLogic Server instance starts, or whenever you want your application to receive notifications.

To register with the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean on a WebLogic Server instance, the code must do the following:

  1. Import the following interfaces:


  2. Obtain the MBeanServer from MBeanHome. For more information, refer to Accessing WebLogic Server MBeans in the Using WebLogic JMX Services Guide.

  3. Use the addNotificationListener() method of the MBeanServer to register your notification listener with LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean.

Using the addNotificationListener API

The syntax for the addNotificationListener API is as follows:

MBeanServer.addNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
     NotificationListener listener,
     NotificationFilter filter,
     java.lang.Object handback)

Provide the following values:

Complete documentation for the addNotificationListener API is available in the Javadoc for javax.managment.MBeanServer, which you can download from

Examples for Registering a Notification Listener

The following examples register the listener defined in Step 1: Create a Notification Listener. The examples in Listing 4-3 and Listing 4-4 do the following:

  1. Use the API to obtain the server-specific MBeanHome interface for a server named peach. For more information about obtaining the MBeanHome interface, refer to Accessing WebLogic Server MBeans in the Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX guide.

  2. Use the MBeanHome interface to retrieve the corresponding MBeanServer interface.

  3. Use a different method for retrieving the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean object name.

  4. Instantiate the listener object defined in Step 1: Create a Notification Listener.

  5. Register the listener object with the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean.

Listing 4-3 uses WebLogicObjectName to construct the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean object name.

Listing 4-3 Using WebLogicObjectName

public void find(String host,
int port,
                     String username
String password){
        String url = "t3://" + host +
":" + port;
//Get the server's MBeanHome interface.
     try {
serverSpecificHome = (MBeanHome)Helper.getMBeanHome(username,
     } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
System.out.println("Illegal Argument Exception: " + iae);
//Use MBeanHome to get the server's MBeanServer interface.
    MBeanServer mServer = serverSpecificHome.getMBeanServer();
//Construct the WebLogicObjectName of the server's LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean.
WebLogicObjectName logBCOname = new WebLogicObjectName("WebLogicLogBroadcaster",
//Instantiate a listener object.
MyRemoteNotificationListener myListener = new MyRemoteNotificationListener();
//Register the listener.
mServer.addNotificationListener( logBCOname,

Listing 4-4 uses MBeanHome.getMBeanByClass to retrieve the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean object name.

Listing 4-4 Using getObjectName()

public void find(String host,
int port,
                     String username
String password){
        String url = "t3://" + host +
":" + port;
//Get the server's MBeanHome interface.
     try {
serverSpecificHome = (MBeanHome)Helper.getMBeanHome(username,
     } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
System.out.println("Illegal Argument Exception: " + iae);
//Use MBeanHome to get the server's MBeanServer interface.
    MBeanServer mServer = serverSpecificHome.getMBeanServer();
//Use getMBeanByClass to retrieve the object name.
LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean logBCOname = (LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean)
//Instantiate a listener object.
MyRemoteNotificationListener myListener = new MyRemoteNotificationListener();
//Register the listener.
mServer.addNotificationListener( logBCOname,

Listing 4-5 assumes that you used weblogic.Admin GET to retrieve the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean object name. It also illustrates the format of object names that weblogic.Admin GET returns.

Listing 4-5 Using weblogic.Admin GET

MyRemoteNotificationListener myListener = new MyRemoteNotificationListener();
MBeanServer mServer = home.getMBeanServer();
ObjectName logBCOname = new ObjectName("mydomain:Location=myserver,Name=TheLogBroadcaster,Type=LogBroadcast
mServer.addNotificationListener( logBCOname,


Step 3: Create and Register a Notification Filter

By default, the notification listener that you registered in the previous section listens for all notifications from LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean and sends them to your application. You can configure the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean to send only the notifications that are pertinent to your application by creating and registering a filter. The filter determines whether a notification matches a set of criteria that you create, and the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean sends the notification only if the filter evaluates as true.

This section contains the following subsections:

Creating and Registering a Filter

To create and register a filter, do the following:

  1. Import the following interfaces:


  2. Create a serializable object that does the following:

    1. Implements

    2. Searches a notification for a string.

      To search a notification that has been cast as a WebLogicLogNotification object, you can use WebLogicLogNotification getter methods. For example, you can use the getter methods to get the message timestamp, severity, user ID, the name of the subsystem that generated the message, the message text, and other data. For more information, refer to WebLogicLogNotification Objects.

    3. Uses a boolean to indicate whether the serializable object returns a true value.

    4. (Optional) Includes code that carries out an action depending on the value of the boolean. For example, your filter can use the JavaMail API to send e-mail to an administrator if a message is of severity WARNING or higher.

  3. Use the addNotificationListener API to register the filter. For more information, refer to Using the addNotificationListener API.

WebLogicLogNotification Objects

All messages that a WebLogic Server generates are cast as objects. WebLogicLogNotification objects contain the following fields:

A WebLogicLogNotification inherits getter methods from and it provides one getter method for each field within the log message. (See Figure 4-4.)

You can use these getter methods to search or print the information within the WebLogicLogNotification. For more information, refer to the Javadoc.

Figure 4-4 WebLogicLogNotification Getter Methods


Example Notification Filter

Listing 4-6 provides an example NotificationFilter that uses the WebLogicLogNotification.getType method.

Listing 4-6 Example Notification Filter

public class MyLogNotificationFilter implements NotificationFilter, {
public MyLogNotificationFilter() {
     subsystem = "";
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
        if (!(notification instanceof WebLogicLogNotification)) {
             return false;
         WebLogicLogNotification wln = (WebLogicLogNotification)notification;
         if (subsystem == null ||
             subsystem.equals("")) {
             return true;
        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(wln.getType(), ".");
         return (tokens.nextToken().equals(subsystem));
     public void setSubsystemFilter(String newSubsystem) {
          subsystem = newSubsystem;


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