WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide

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WebLogic Tuxedo Connector MBean Attributes

Mbeans are used to provide information to configure domains in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector. The configuration attributes are analogous to the DM_MIB attributes and classes used for Tuxedo domains. The following sections contain reference information on MBean attributes used to configure the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector:



Parent WebLogic Tuxedo Connector MBean containing the interoperability attributes required for a connection between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo.




Specifies the order of deployment. Ordering is with respect to other deployable units of the same class, e.g. EJB's and Web Applications. Deployments with the lowest DeploymentOrder are deployed first.


Provides information on services exported by a local domain using a WTCExportMBean.


Provides information on remote services imported by a local domain using a WTCImportMbean.


Provides information on local domains as they appears to a remote domain using a WTCLocalTuxDomMBean.


The name of the WTCServer MBean.


Provides configuration information for inter-domain authentication using a WTCPasswordMbean.


Provides information on remote domains as they appear to a local domain using a WTCRemoteTuxDomMBean.


Provides information on global field table classes, view table classes, and application passwords for domains using a WTCResourcesMBean.


The name of the selected target server on which the WTCServer MBean is deployed.


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCServer


Specifies global configuration information for the transfer of messages between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo using a WTCtBridgeGlobalMBean.


Specifies the source, target, direction, and transport of messages between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo using a WTCtBridgeRedirectMBean.




The WTCLocalTuxDom Mbean provides a view of local domains as they appears to other domains. The following attributes describe MBean type WTCLocalTuxDom:




Required. Name used to identify a domain in a WTCServer MBean. This name must be unique within the scope of WTCLocalTuxDom and WTCRemoteTuxDom AccessPoint names in a WTCServer MBean.

Example: TDOM2


Required. Specifies the connection principal name used to identify a domain when establishing a connection to another domain.

The AccessPointId of a WTCLocalTuxDom MBean must match the corresponding DOMAINID in the *DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section of your Tuxedo DMCONFIG file.

Example: TDOM2


Optional. Specifies the maximum wait time (seconds) allowed for a blocking call.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647

  • Default value: 60


Optional. Specifies the compression threshold used when sending data to the remote domain. Application buffers larger than this size are compressed.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647.

  • Default value: 2147483647 bytes


Note: ConnPrincipalName is not supported in this release of WebLogic Server.

Optional. Specifies the connection principal name identifier. This is the principal name for identifying a domain when establishing a connection to another domain.

  • This parameter only applies to domains of type TDOMAIN that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

  • If this element is not specified, the connection principal name defaults to the AccessPointID element for this domain.


Optional. Specifies the conditions under which a local domain tries to establish a connection to a remote domain.

Valid values for local domains are: ON_DEMAND, ON_STARTUP, or INCOMING_ONLY.

  • Default setting is ON_DEMAND

  • ON_DEMAND: A connection is attempted only when requested by either a client request to a remote service or an administrative connect command.

  • ON_STARTUP: A domain gateway attempts to establish a connection with its remote domain access points at gateway server initialization time. Remote services (services advertised in JNDI by the domain gateway for this local access point) are advertised only if a connection is successfully established to that remote domain access point. If there is no active connection to a remote domain access point, then the remote services are suspended. By default, this connection policy retries failed connections every 60 seconds. Use the MaxRetry and RetryInterval elements to specify application specific values.

  • INCOMING_ONLY: A domain gateway does not attempt an initial connection to remote domain access points at startup and remote services are initially suspended. The domain gateway is available for incoming connections from remote domain access points and remote services are advertised when the domain gateway for this local domain access point receives an incoming connection. Connection retry processing is not allowed.


Note: Tuxedo 6.5 does not have the required security infrastructure to support security mapping. If you require security features and use the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector, you will need to upgrade to Tuxedo 7.1 or higher.

Optional. Specifies whether the local domain interoperates with remote domains that are based upon Tuxedo Release 6.5. Valid values for this parameter are: Yes, No.

  • Yes: Interoperate with Tuxedo 6.5

  • No: Operates with domains Tuxedo 7.1 and higher.

  • Default value: No


Note: A MaxEncryptBits value of 40 only applies to domains that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or higher.

Optional. Specifies the maximum level encryption key length (in bits) used when establishing a network link for this domain.Valid values for this parameter are: 0, 40, 56, and 128.

  • Default value: 128 bits

  • A value of 0: No encryption used


Optional. The number of times that a domain gateway tries to establish connections to remote domain access points. Use only when ConnectionPolicy is set to ON_STARTUP.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647

  • Default value: 2147483647

  • The value of the MaxEncryptBits attribute must be greater than or equal to the value of the MinEncrypBits attribute.

Use the maximum value to retry processing until a connection is established. Use the minimum value to disable the automatic retry mechanism.


Note: A MinEncryptBits value of 40 only applies to domains that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

Optional. Specifies the minimum level encryption key length (in bits) used when establishing a network link for this domain.Valid values for this parameter are: 0, 40, 56, and 128.

  • Default value: 0 bits

  • A value of 0: No encryption used

  • The value of the MinEncrypBits attribute must be less than or equal to the value of the MaxEncrypBits attribute.

  • If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, the network link fails.


Required. The network address of the local domain gateway. Specify the TCP/IP address in one of the following formats:

  • //hostname:port_number

  • //#.#.#.#:port_number

If hostname is used, the domain finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). If dotted decimal format is used, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. The port_number is the TCP port number at which the domain process listens for incoming requests.

Note: When configuring the NWAddr for a T_DM_LOCAL_DOMAIN, the port number used should be different from any port numbers assigned to other WebLogic Server processes. Example: Setting the NWAddr to //mymachine:7001 is not valid if the WebLogic Server listening port is assigned to //mymachine:7001.


The name of the WTCLocalTuxDom MBean.


Optional. The time (seconds) between automatic attempts to establish a connection to remote domain access points. Use only when ConnectionPolicy is set to ON_STARTUP.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647

  • Default setting: 60


Note: Tuxedo 6.5 users should set the security parameter to NONE.

Optional. Security specifies the type of application security to be enforced. Valid values for this parameter are: NONE, APP_PW, or DM_PW. NONE is the default value.

  • NONE: No security is used.

  • APP_PW: Password security is enforced when a connection is established from a remote domain. The application password is defined in a WTCResources MBean.

  • DM_PW: Domain password security is enforced when a connection is established from a remote domain. Domain passwords are defined in WTCPassword MBeans.


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCLocalTuxDom




The WTCRemoteTuxDom Mbean provides a view of remote domains as they appears to a local domain.The following attributes describe MBean type WTCRemoteTuxDom:




Required. Name used to identify a domain in a WTCServer MBean. This name must be unique within the scope of WTCLocalTuxDom and WTCRemoteTuxDom AccessPoint names in a WTCServer MBean.

Example: TDOM2


Required. Specifies the connection principal name used to identify a domain when establishing a connection to another domain.

The AccessPointId of a WTCRemoteTuxDom MBean must match the corresponding DOMAINID in the *DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section of your Tuxedo DMCONFIG file.

Example: TDOM2


Note: If the Interoperate parameter is set to Yes, the AclPolicy is ignored. For more information see, WTCRemoteTuxDomMBean

Optional. Specifies the inbound access control list (ACL) policy toward requests from a remote domain. Valid values for this parameter are: LOCAL, GLOBAL.

  • LOCAL: The local domain modifies the identity of the service requests received from a given remote domain to the principal name specified in the local principal name for a given remote domain.

  • GLOBAL: The local domain passes the service request with no change in identity.

  • Default value: LOCAL


Optional. Specifies the compression threshold used when sending data to the remote domain. Application buffers larger than this size are compressed.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647.

  • Default value: 2147483647 bytes


Note: ConnPrincipalName is not supported in this release of WebLogic Server.

Optional. Specifies the connection principal name identifier. This is the principal name for identifying a domain when establishing a connection to another domain.

  • This parameter only applies to domains of type TDOMAIN that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

  • If this element is not specified, the connection principal name defaults to the AccessPoint element for this domain.


Optional. Specifies the conditions under which a local domain tries to establish a connection to a remote domain.

Valid values for local domains are: ON_DEMAND, ON_STARTUP, or INCOMING_ONLY.

  • Default setting is ON_DEMAND

  • ON_DEMAND: A connection is attempted only when requested by either a client request to a remote service or an administrative connect command.

  • ON_STARTUP: A domain gateway attempts to establish a connection with its remote domain access points at gateway server initialization time. Remote services (services advertised in JNDI by the domain gateway for this local access point) are advertised only if a connection is successfully established to that remote domain access point. If there is no active connection to a remote domain access point, then the remote services are suspended. By default, this connection policy retries failed connections every 60 seconds. Use the MaxRetry and RetryInterval elements to specify application specific values.

  • INCOMING_ONLY: A domain gateway does not attempt an initial connection to remote domain access points at startup and remote services are initially suspended. The domain gateway is available for incoming connections from remote domain access points and remote services are advertised when the domain gateway for this local domain access point receives an incoming connection. Connection retry processing is not allowed.


Note: If the Interoperate parameter is set to Yes, the CredentialPolicy is ignored. For more information see, WTCRemoteTuxDomMBean

Optional. Specifies the outbound access control list (ACL) policy toward requests to a remote domain. Valid values for this parameter are: LOCAL, GLOBAL.

  • LOCAL: The remote domain controls the identity of service requests received from the local domain to the principal name specified in the local principal name for this remote domain.

  • GLOBAL: The remote domain passes the service request with no change.

  • Default value: LOCAL


The context at which to federate to a foreign name service. If ommitted, the federation point is tuxedo.domains.


The URL for a foreign name service that is federated into the JNDI.

  • If ommitted, the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector assumes that there is a CosNaming server in the foreign domain. The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector federates to the CosNaming server using TGIOP. It is possible to federate to non-CORBA service providers.


Required. The local domain name from which a remote domain is reached.

Example: TDOM2


Note: A MaxEncryptBits value of 40 only applies to domains that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or higher.

Optional. Specifies the maximum level encryption key length (in bits) used when establishing a network link for this domain.Valid values for this parameter are: 0, 40, 56, and 128.

  • Default value: 128 bits

  • A value of 0: No encryption used

  • The value of the MaxEncryptBits attribute must be greater than or equal to the value of the MinEncrypBits attribute.


Optional. The number of times that a domain gateway tries to establish connections to remote domain access points. Use only when ConnectionPolicy is set to ON_STARTUP.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647

  • Default value: 2147483647

  • Use -1 to default to the Local WLS Domain domain value.

Use the maximum value to retry processing until a connection is established. Use the minimum value to disable the automatic retry mechanism.


Note: A MinEncryptBits value of 40 only applies to domains that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

Optional. Specifies the minimum level encryption key length (in bits) used when establishing a network link for this domain.Valid values for this parameter are: 0, 40, 56, and 128.

  • Default value: 0 bits

  • A value of 0: No encryption used.

  • The value of the MinEncrypBits attribute must be less than or equal to the value of the MaxEncrypBits attribute.

  • If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, the network link fails.


Required. The network address of the local domain gateway. Specify the TCP/IP address in one of the following formats:

  • //hostname:port_number

  • //#.#.#.#:port_number

If hostname is used, the domain finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). If dotted decimal format is used, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. The port_number is the TCP port number at which the domain process listens for incoming requests.


The name of the WTCRemoteTuxDom MBean.


Optional. The time (seconds) between automatic attempts to establish a connection to remote domain access points. Use only when ConnectionPolicy is set to ON_STARTUP.

  • Minimum value: 0

  • Maximum value: 2147483647

  • Default setting: 60

  • Use -1 to default to the Local WLS Domain domain value.


Optional. Full path to user password file containing uid/gid information. This is the same file generated by the Tuxedo tpusradd utility on the remote domain. Username, uid and gid information must be included and valid for correct authorization, authentication, and auditing.


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCRemoteTuxDom.




WTCExportMBean provides information on services exported by a local domain.



The WTCImportMBean provides information on services imported and available on remote domains.




Specifies the local access point through which a service is offered. Example: TDOM2


The name of the WTCImport MBean.


A comma-separated failover list that identifies the remote domain access points through which a resource is imported.

Example: TDOM3,TDOM4,TDOM5


The RemoteName for this resource. RemoteName is the remote name of the service. If not specified, this defaults to the ResourceName attribute.


The ResourceName attribute describes an imported service entry.

The combination of the ResourceName, LocalAccessPoint and RemoteAccessPointList attributes must be unique among all objects of this type.

Example: //simpapp


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCImport




The WTCPasswordMbean provides information for inter-domain authentication through access points of type TDOMAIN.




The name of the local domain access point to which the password applies.

Example: TDOM2


The encrypted local password as returned from the genpasswd utility. This password is used to authenticate connections between the local domain access point identified by LocalAccessPoint and the remote domain access point identified by RemoteAccessPoint.


The initialization vector used to encrypt the local password.


The name of the WTCPassword MBean.


The name of the remote domain access point to which the password applies.

Example: TDOM3


The encrypted remote password as returned from the genpasswd utility. This password is used to authenticate connections between the local domain access point identified by LocalAccessPoint and the remote domain access point identified by RemoteAccessPoint.


The initialization vector used to encrypt the remote password


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCPasswords




Use to specify global field table classes, view table classes, and application passwords for domains.




The application password for this resource. The application password as returned from the genpasswd utility. This Tuxedo application password is the encrypted password to be used to authenticate connections

AppPassword IV

The initialization vector used to encrypt the global password. It is returned from the genpasswd utility with the AppPassword.

FldTbl classes

The name of the FldTbl16 classes which are loaded via a class loader and added to a FldTbl array. The class names used are the fully qualified names of the desired classes. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple classes.

FldTbl32 classes

The name of the FldTbl32 classes which are loaded via a class loader and added to a FldTbl array. The class names used are the fully qualified names of the desired classes. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple classes.


The name of the WTCResources MBean.


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCResources

ViewTbl classes

The name of the ViewTbl classes which are loaded via a class loader and added to a ViewTbl array. The class names used are the fully qualified names of the desired classes. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple classes.

ViewTbl32 classes

The names of the ViewTbl32 classes which are loaded via a class loader and added to a ViewTbl32 array. The class names used are the fully qualified names of the desired classes. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple classes.




Note: The tBridge handles one or more redirections by starting a new thread for each redirection defined. At least one redirection must be specified or the tBridge fails and an error is logged.

The WTCtBridgeMbean provides global configuration information for the transfer of messages between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo.




Optional. Specifies if non-standard data types are allowed to pass through the tBridge. Valid values for this parameter are: NO, YES.

  • NO: Non-standard data types are rejected and placed onto the specified error location.

  • YES: Non-Standard data types are placed on the target location as BLOBs with a tag indicating the original type.

Standard data types are:

  • ASCII text (TextMessage, STRING)

  • BLOB (BytesMessage, CARRAY)


Note: If neither defaultReplyDeliveryMode is specified or JMS_BEA_TuxGtway_Tuxedo_ReplyDeliveryMode is set, the default semantics defined for Tuxedo are used by the Tuxedo/Q subsystem.

Optional. Specifies the reply delivery mode to associate with a message when placing messages onto the target location. Use this element for messages being redirected to Tuxedo/Q from JMS when JMS_BEA_TuxGtway_Tuxedo_ReplyDeliveryMode is not set for a message. Valid values for this parameter are: PERSIST, NONPERSIST, DEFAULT.


Note: If deliveryModeOverride is not specified, then the message is placed on the target location with the same delivery mode specified from the source location.

Optional. Specifies the delivery mode to use when placing messages onto the target location.The deliveryModeOverride value overrides any delivery mode associated with a message. Valid values for this parameter are: PERSIST, NONPERSIST.


Required. Name of the JMS connection factory.

Example: weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory


Required. Used to specify the priority mapping direction from JMS into Tuxedo /Q message priority.


Required. Name of the JNDI lookup factory.

Example: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory


The name of the WTCtBridgeGlobal MBean.


Optional. Specifies the number of attempts to redirect a message before putting the message in the specified error location and logging an error.

Default value is 0.

The value must be 0 or a positive integer.


During the retryDelay, the thread processing the message can not redirect any other messages.

Optional. Specifies the minimum amount of time (seconds) to wait before redirecting a message.

Default value is 10.

The value must be a positive integer.


The timeout for the transaction used to retrieve the message from the source location is larger than timeout. This parameter reflects the effective length of the timeout for the entire redirection.

Optional. Specifies the transaction timeout value (seconds) used to place a message on a target location. Required when transactional parameter is set to YES.

Default value is 60.

The value must be 0 or a positive integer.

0 indicates an infinite wait.


Note: This element is not currently supported.

Optional. Specifies the use of transactions when retrieving messages from a source location and when placing messages on a target location. Valid parameter values are: YES, NO.

YES: Transactions are used for both operations.

NO: Transactions are not used for either operation.


Optional. Name of the Tuxedo queue used to store a message that cannot be redirected to a Tuxedo/Q source queue. This queue is in the same queue space as the source queue.

If tuxErrorDestination is not specified, all messages that cannot be redirected are lost.

If the message cannot be placed into the tuxErrorQueue for any reason, an error is logged and the message is lost.


Required. Name of the Tuxedo Connection factory.

Example: tuxedo.services.TuxedoConnection


Required. Used to specify the priority mapping direction from Tuxedo /Q into JMS message priority.


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCtBridgeGlobal


Optional. Specifies a user identity for all messages handled by the tBridge for ACL checks when security options are configured.

All messages assume this identity until the security/authentication contexts are passed between subsystems. Until security contexts are passed, there is no secure method to identify who generated a message recieved from the source location.

The argument user may be specified as either a user name or a user identification number (uid).


Optional. Name of the location used to store WebLogic Server JMS messages when a message cannot be redirected.

If a wlsErrorDestination is not specified, all messages that cannot be redirected are lost.

If the message cannot be placed into the wlsErrorDestination for any reason, an error is logged and the message is lost.




Used to specify the source, target, direction, and transport of a message.




Required. Specifies the direction of data flow. Valid parameter values are: JmsQ2TuxQ, TuxQ2JmsQ, JmsQ2TuxS.

  • JmsQ2TuxQ: From JMS to TUXEDO /Q.

  • TuxQ2JmsQ: From TUXEDO /Q to JMS.

  • JmsQ2TuxS: From JMS to TUXEDO Service reply to JMS.


Note: This element is not currently supported.

Optional. URL of the metadata file.


The name of the WTCtBridgeRedirect MBean.


Optional. Name of a JMS queue specifically for the synchronous call to a TUXEDO service. The response is returned to the JMS ReplyQ.


A unique identifier, within the scope of local and remote entry names in the domain configuration, where the source is located.


Required. Name of a JMS queue name, TUXEDO queue name, or a TUXEDO service name.


Optional. Name of the Qspace for a source location.


A unique identifier, within the scope of local and remote entry names in the domain configuration, where the target is located.


Required. Name of a JMS queue name, TUXEDO queue name, or a TUXEDO service name.


Optional. Name of the Qspace for a target location.


Note: The WLXT parameter value is currently not supported.

Required. Specifies the type of XML/FML translation. Valid parameter values are: NONE, FLAT, WLXT.

  • NO: No data translation is performed. TextMessage maps into STRING and vice versa depending on the direction of transfer. BytesMessage maps into CARRAY and vice versa. All other data types cause the redirection to fail.

  • FLAT: The message payload is transformed using the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector built-in translator.

  • WLXT: The translation is done by the XML-to-nonXML WL XML Translator (WLXT). The metadataFile URL provided is passed to call the WLXT external methods to do the translation.

  • Default value: NO


Type of WebLogic Server Mbean: WTCtBridgeRedirect



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