WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide

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Connecting WebLogic Process Integrator and Tuxedo Applications

Note: For more information on how to integrate applications, see BEA WebLogic Integration.

The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector tBridge provides the necessary infrastructure for WebLogic Process Integrator users to integrate Tuxedo applications into their business workflows. The following sections discuss WebLogic Process Integrator - Tuxedo integration using the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.


Synchronous WebLogic Process Integrator-to-Tuxedo Connectivity

WebLogic Process Integrator executes a blocking invocation against a Tuxedo service using a JATMI EJB. This process consists of three parts:

Defining Business Operations

Define WebLogic Process Integrator Business Operations for the JATMI methods to be used:

Invoking an eLink Adapter

Invoke an eLink adapter from a WebLogic Process Integrator process flow:

Define Exception handlers

Define WebLogic Process Integrator Exception handlers to process exceptions.


Synchronous Non-Blocking WebLogic Process Integrator-to-Tuxedo Connectivity

WebLogic Process Integrator sends a message to synchronously invoke a Tuxedo service:


Asynchronous WebLogic Process Integrator-to-Tuxedo Connectivity

WebLogic Process Integrator sends a guaranteed asynchronous message to a Tuxedo /Q:


Asynchronous Tuxedo /Q-to-WebLogic Process Integrator Connectivity

Tuxedo /Q sends a guaranteed asynchronous message to WebLogic Process Integrator:


Bi-directional Asynchronous Tuxedo-to-WebLogic Process Integrator Connectivity

Tuxedo executes a blocking invocation of a WebLogic Process Integrator process flow. Use two asynchronous instances to connect from JMS to Tuxedo /Q and from Tuxedo /Q back to JMS.


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