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Domain --> Control

Tasks     Related Topics     Operations     Status


The Domain—>Control tab changes the state of Managed Servers in the domain.

Some of the operations require the Node Manager and the domain-wide administration port.


Starting All Managed Servers in a Domain

Starting a Managed Server in the STANDBY State

Resuming a Server

Shutting Down All Managed Servers in a Domain

Related Topics

Overview of Node Manager

Enabling the Domain-Wide Administration Port

Overview of the Server Lifecycle


The following table describes the applicability and requirements of each operation:




Start all Managed Servers

Starts all Managed Servers that have been configured for the Node Manager. For each server that has not been configured for the Node Manager, the operation generates an exception.

By default, a server instance starts in the RUNNING state, but the Startup Mode setting can change the default behavior. The Startup Mode setting is located on on the Servers—>Configuration—>General tab, under Advanced Options.

Requires the Node Manager.

Only available for Managed Servers.

Resume all Managed Servers

Moves all Managed Servers from the STANDBY state to RUNNING.

Requires the administration port to be enabled.

Graceful shutdown all Managed Servers

Gracefully stops all Managed Servers in the domain. New requests are rejected but in-work requests are completed before the server stops.

Force shutdown of all Managed Servers

Immediately stops all Managed Servers in the domain. In-work requests are dropped, no new requests are accepted, and the server immediately stops.


Table 64-1

Table Column



The name of a server in the domain.

The status table contains one row for each server in the domain.


The current lifecycle state of the server. For a description of lifecycle states, refer to Understanding Server State.

Transition Activity

Shows the status of the most recent transition in lifecycle state. For details on the transition, click the link in the Status tab.


Provides a button that navigates to the server's Control —> Start/Stop tab. From the Start/Stop tab, you can start or stop the individual server.


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