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Domain Log Filter --> Configuration

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes


The Domain Log Filter—>Configuration tab defines a domain log filter, which modifies the set of messages that one or more servers send to the domain log. By default, all messages of severity ERROR or higher are sent.

Note: HTTP requests, JDBC messages, JTA transactions, and messages of severity DEBUG are never sent to the domain log, even if you use a filter.

If you are creating a new filter, you must enter information on the Configuration tab and click Apply before you can access other tabs. Once you create a filter, you cannot change its name. Instead, you must create a new filter under a different name.

After you create a filter, you activate it by targeting it to one or more servers.


Specifying the Messages That a Server Forwards to the Domain Log

Cloning a Domain Log Filter

Deleting a Domain Log Filter

Specifying Which Messages a Server Sends to Standard Out

Viewing the Domain Log

Related Topics

Local Log Files and Domain Log Files


Table 77-1

Attribute Label


Value Constraints


An alpha-numeric value that identifies the filter. This name attribute is for your identification purposes only.

After you have created a domain log filter, you cannot change its name. Instead, clone the filtter and provide a new name for the clone. For more information, refer to Cloning a Domain Log Filter.


Attribute: Name

Severity Level

The minimum severity of a message that this filter forwards to the domain log. All messages with the specified severity and higher will be sent to the domain log. The ascending order of severities is as follows:

  • INFO(64). Used for reporting normal operations.

  • WARNING(32). A suspicious operation or configuration has occurred but it may not have an impact on normal operation.

  • ERROR(16). A user error has occurred. The system or application is able to handle the error with no interruption, and limited degradation, of service.

  • NOTICE(8). A warning message. A suspicious operation or configuration has occurred which may not affect the normal operation of the server.

  • CRITICAL(4). A system or service error has occurred. The system is able to recover but there might be a momentary loss, or permanent degradation, of service.

  • ALERT(2). A particular service is in an unusable state while other parts of the system continue to function. Automatic recovery is not possible; the immediate attention of the administrator is needed to resolve the problem.

  • EMERGENCY(1). The server is in an unusable state. This severity indicates a severe system failure or panic.


Attribute: SeverityLevel

Default: weblogic.logging.Severities.WARNING

Valid values:

  • 64

  • 32

  • 16

  • 8

  • 4

  • 2

  • 1

User Ids

The user IDs for which associated messages are sent to the domain log.

If no IDs are specified, messages from all user IDs can be sent to the domain log.

Every message includes the user ID under which the associated event was executed.

To execute some pieces of internal code, WebLogic Server authenticates the ID of the user who initiates the execution and then runs the code under a special Kernel Identity user ID.

J2EE modules such as EJBs that are deployed onto a server instance report the user ID that the module passes to the server.


Attribute: UserIds

Dynamic: yes

SubSystem Names

A list of subsystems whose messages are selected by this log filter. If none are specified, messages from all subsystems are selected.


Attribute: SubSystemNames


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