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In the JDBC Connection Pool
A connection pool contains a group of JDBC connections that are created when the connection pool is registered, usually when starting up WebLogic Server. Your application borrows a connection from the connection pool, uses it, then returns it to the connection pool by closing it.
Creating and Configuring a JDBC Connection Pool
Deploying a JDBC Connection Pool to One or More Servers or Clusters
Cloning a JDBC Connection Pool
Monitoring Connections in a JDBC Connection Pool
Increasing Performance with the Statement Cache
Automatically Recovering Leaked Connections
Initializing Database Connections with SQL Code
Third-Party Driver Configuration and Performance Requirements in Programming WebLogic JTA
The number of seconds to delay before creating each physical database connection. This delay takes place both during initial pool creation and during the lifetime of the pool whenever a physical database connection is created. MBean: |
The number of seconds within the use of a pooled connection that WebLogic Server trusts that the connection is still viable and will skip connection testing. If an application requests a connection within the time specified since the connection was tested or successfully used and returned to the connection pool, WebLogic Server skips the connection test before delivering it to an application (if TestConnectionsOnReserve is enabled). WebLogic Server also skips the automatic refresh connection test if the connection was successfully used and returned to the connection pool within the time specified (if TestFrequencySeconds is specified). This attribute is a tuning feature that can improve application performance by minimizing the delay caused by database connection testing, especially during heavy traffic. However, it can reduce the effectiveness of connection testing, especially if the value is set too high. The appropriate value depends on your environment and the likelihood that a connection will become defunct. |
Applies only to physical database connections. When set to true, the physical connection is not returned to the connection pool after the application closes the logical connection. Instead, the physical connection is closed and recreated. Note: It is recommended that you set this flag to true as such connections are not managed by WebLogic Server. When set to false, if you close the logical connection, the physical connection is returned to the connection pool. If you use this setting, ensure that the database connection is suitable for reuse by other applications. This parameter is applicable only if the application gets a connection from the connection pool and then calls the Enabling this attribute will have an impact on performance as it will essentially disable the pooling of connections. This is because connections will be removed from the pool and replaced with new connections. MBean: |
Indicates whether or not the pool can shrink back to its When shrinking, the number of connections is reduced to the greater of either the initial capacity or the current number of connections in use. MBean: |
Number of seconds to wait before shrinking a connection pool that has incrementally increased to meet demand. MBean: |
Specifies that JDBC Connection leak profiling information is gathered. A Connection leak occurs when a connection from the pool is not closed explicitly by calling When connection leak profiling is active, the connection pool will store the stack trace at the time the Connection object is allocated from the connection pool and given to the client. When a connection leak is detected (when the Connection object is garbage collected), this stack trace is reported. This option is required to view leaked connections from the connection pool (right-click the connection pool name and select View Leaked Connections). This feature uses extra resources and will likely slow down connection pool operations, so it is not recommended for production use. MBean: |
When selected, WebLogic Server stores the stack trace whenever a connection object is released back into the connection pool. If an exception is thrown during a subsequent operation on the connection related to global (XA) transactions, WebLogic Server reports this stack trace with the exception. You can use this feature to detect local transaction work left incomplete by application code, which can interfere with subsequent global (XA) transaction operations on the JDBC connection. This feature uses more resources than normal connection pool operations and will likely degrade connection pool performance, so it is not recommended for production use. This feature does not apply to connections created with a non-XA JDBC driver. MBean: |
The number of seconds between database connection tests. After every If If set to MBean: |
When selected (set to true), WebLogic Server tests a connection before giving it to the client. The test adds a small delay in serving the client's request for a connection from the pool, but ensures that the client receives a working connection (assuming that the DBMS is available and accessible). The attribute TestTableName must be enabled for TestConnectionsOnReserve to be effective. This attribute is required for connection pools used within a MultiPool that uses the High Availability algorithm. MBean: |
When selected (set to true), WebLogic Server tests a connection after creating it and before adding it to the list of connections available to the client. The test adds a small delay in creating the connection, but ensures that the client receives a working connection (assuming that the DBMS is available and accessible). The attribute TestTableName must be set for TestConnectionsOnCreate to be effective. MBean: |
When selected (set to true), WebLogic Server tests a connection before returning it to the connection pool. If all connections in the pool are already in use and a client is waiting for a connection, the client's wait will be slightly longer while the connection is tested. The attribute TestTableName must be enabled for TestConnectionsOnRelease to be effective. MBean: |
The number of seconds after which a call to reserve a connection from the connection pool will timeout. When set to When set to MBean: |
The number of seconds between attempts to create database connections when the connection pool is created. If you do not set this value, connection pool creation fails if the database is unavailable. If set and if the database is unavailable when the connection pool is created, WebLogic Server will attempt to create connections in the pool again after the number of seconds you specify, and will continue to attempt to create the connections until it succeeds. When set to MBean: |
The number of seconds of inactivity after which reserved connections will forcibly be released back into the pool. When set to MBean: |
The maximum number of connection requests that can concurrently block waiting to reserve a connection from the pool. MBean: |
The maximum number of connections in the pool that can be made unavailable (to an application) for purposes like refreshing the connection, etc. Note that in cases likes the backend system being unavailable, this specified value could be exceeded due to factors outside the pool's control. When set to MBean: |
The name of the table used when testing a physical database connection. The default SQL code used to test a connection is
The If MBean: |
The SQL code used to initialize a connection. If you specify a value for Init SQL, WebLogic Server will run the query when it creates a database connection. If no value is set for Init SQL, WebLogic Server does not run any SQL code to initialize the connection. Start the code with MBean: |
Keep XA Connection Till Transaction Complete Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option to force a connection pool to reserve a physical connection and provide the same connection to an application throughout transaction processing until the distributed transaction is complete. MBean: |
Need Transaction Context On Close Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option if the XA driver used to create database connections requires a distributed transaction context when closing various JDBC objects (result sets, statements, connections, and so on). If selected, SQL exceptions that are thrown while closing JDBC objects without a transaction context will be swallowed. MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option if the XA driver used to create database connections or the DBMS requires that a dedicated XA connection be used for commit/rollback processing of distributed transactions. MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option if the XA driver used to create database connections or the DBMS requires that MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option to enable setting a transaction branch timeout using the XA resource manager for the connection, typically the JDBC driver. When selected, the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager calls You may want to set a transaction branch timeout if you have long-running transactions that exceed the default timeout value on the XA resource. Note: To use this feature, the resource manager (typically, the JDBC driver) must support the MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
The number of seconds to set as the transaction branch timeout. If set, this value is passed as the transaction timeout value in the When this value is set to If set, this value should be greater than or equal to the global WebLogic Server transaction timeout. Note: You must select Enable XA Transaction Timeout to enable the XA Transaction Timeout attribute. MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Determines the duration in seconds during which the transaction manager will retry to perform recover, rollback, and commit operations on the resource. A value of zero indicates that no retries will be performed. MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Determines the time in seconds between XA retry operations if the MBean: |
Keep Connection Open On Release Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option if the XA driver used to create database connections or the DBMS requires that a logical JDBC connection be kept open while transaction processing continues (although the physical XA connection can returned to the XA connection pool). MBean: |
Note: This option is available only when an XA JDBC driver is used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool. |
Select this option if the XA driver used to create physical database connections supports SQL without global transactions. MBean: |