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JMS Queue --> Configuration --> Overrides

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes


This tab defines the override configuration attributes for a queue destination. After defining a JMS server, you can configure its queues. You can configure one or more queues for each JMS server.

Note: You configure queues explicitly or by configuring a JMS template that can be used to define multiple queues with similar attribute settings, as described in JMS Template Tasks.


Creating a JMS Queue

Related Topics

"WebLogic JMS Fundamentals" in Programming WebLogic JMS

"Managing WebLogic JMS" in Programming WebLogic JMS

"Developing a WebLogic JMS Application" in Programming WebLogic JMS


Table 3-1

Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Priority Override

The priority assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the Priority specified by the message producer.

If no JMS template is specified for this destination, then -1 means that the destination will not override the Priority setting. Otherwise, -1 means that the value comes from the template.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.


Attribute: PriorityOverride

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 9

Default: -1

Dynamic: yes

Time To Live Override

The time-to-live value assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the TimeToLive specified by the message producer.

If no JMS template is specified for this destination, then -1 means that the destination will not override the TimeToLive setting. Otherwise, -1 means that the value comes from the template.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.


Attribute: TimeToLiveOverride

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 9223372036854775807

Default: -1

Dynamic: yes

Time To Deliver Override

The default delay, either in milliseconds or as a schedule, between when a message is produced and when it is made visible on its target destination, regardless of the delivery time specified by the producer and/or connection factory.

If no JMS template is specified for this destination, then -1 means that the destination will not override the TimeToDeliver setting. Otherwise, -1 means that the value comes from the template.

The Time To Deliver Override can be specified either as a long or as an advanced scheduling syntax (see "Setting Message Delivery Times" in Programming JMS for details.)

Note: Changing the Time To Deliver Override only affects future message delivery, it does not affect message delivery of already produced messages.


Attribute: TimeToDeliverOverride

Default: "-1"

Dynamic: yes

Delivery Mode Override

The delivery mode assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination regardless of the DeliveryMode specified by the message producer.

If no JMS template is specified for this destination, then No-Delivery means the DeliveryMode will not be overridden. Otherwise, No-Delivery means that the value comes from the template.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.


Attribute: DeliveryModeOverride

Default: No-Delivery

Valid values:

  • Persistent

  • Non-Persistent

  • No-Delivery

Dynamic: yes


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