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WebLogic Server Command Reference

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Reserves and releases a connection from the connection pool. The command also runs a test query using the connection, either before reserving the connection or after releasing the connection, to make sure the database is available. This command requires that either testConnsOnReserve or testConnsOnRelease is set to true and testTableName is specified.

Note: The TEST_POOL command tests an individual instance of the connection pool. To test all instances (deployments) of the connection pool, repeat the command for each instance in your configuration.


java [ SSL Arguments ] weblogic.Admin 
[-url URL]
[ User Credentials Arguments ]
TEST_POOL -poolName connection_pool_name



-url [protocol://]listen-address:listen-port

Specify the listen address and listen port of a WebLogic Server instance on which the connection pool has been deployed. Providing the url of a server on which the connection pool has NOT been deployed will return incorrect results.

If the pool is deployed on multiple servers, run the command multiple times, each time pointing to one server instance on which the connection pool has been deployed. Running the command on only one server instance DOES NOT return the overall, aggregated status of the pool. See Note on page 59.

If you specify a secure listen port, you must also specify a secure protocol.

If you do not specify a value, the command assumes t3://localhost:7001.

For more information, refer to the -url entry in Table 1-3 on page 11 and Protocol Support.


Name of the connection pool as listed in the configuration file (config.xml).



This command tests the connection pool registered as MedRecPool and deployed on a server that listens on port 8001 of the host ManagedHost:

java weblogic.Admin -url ManagedHost:8001 -username weblogic -password weblogic TEST_POOL -poolName MedRecPool

If the command succeeds, it returns the following:

JDBC Connection Test Succeeded for connection pool "MedRecPool".


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