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WebLogic Server Command Reference

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Returns a recursive list of all managed objects that are below a specified node in the MIB tree.

If you specify the OID for an object type, the command returns a list of all instances of that type along with all instances of any child object types.

For example, if you specify the OID for an object type that corresponds to an MBean, this command returns a description of all instances of the MBean and all instances of the attributes within the MBeans.

To see the WebLogic Server MIB tree, refer to the WebLogic Server SNMP MIB Reference. For more information about the structure of the MIB and its object identifiers (OIDs), refer to "Object Identifiers" in WebLogic SNMP Management Guide.


java snmpwalk [-d] [-v (v1,v2)] [-c snmpCommunity] [-p snmpPort] 
             [-t timeout] [-r retries] host OID




Specifies the object ID of the node from which you want to retrieve a recursive list of object values.

Start the value with '.'; otherwise, references are assumed to be relative to the standard MIB ( ., not the WebLogic Server MIB.


For information about the command arguments that are not listed in the above table, refer to Table 6-1.


The following example retrieves the name of all applications that have been deployed on the Administration Server. The OID in the example command is for the applicationRuntimeName object type, which represents the Name attribute of the applicationRuntime MBean.

java snmpwalk localhost .

If you invoke this command from a computer that is running the example MedRecServer, the command returns output similar to the following truncated output. Note that the output includes the full OID for each instance of the applicationRuntimeName object type.

Object ID: .
STRING: MedRecServer_uddiexplorer
Object ID: .
STRING: MedRecServer_StartupEAR
Object ID: .
STRING: MedRecServer_wl_management_internal2

The following example retrieves the name of all applications that have been deployed on all servers in the medrec domain. The OID specified in the example command is the numerical value that the WebLogic Server MIB assigns to the applicationRuntimeName object type.

java snmpwalk -c public@medrec localhost .

The following example returns all attributes of the ServerRuntimeMBean instance that is hosted on a Managed Server named MS1. Note that the OID . refers to the serverRuntimeTable object in the WebLogic MIB.

java snmpwalk -c public@MS1 localhost .


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