BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Class AttrImpl

Direct Known Subclasses:
AttrNSImpl, DeferredAttrImpl

public class AttrImpl
extends NodeImpl
implements org.w3c.dom.Attr

Attribute represents an XML-style attribute of an Element. Typically, the allowable values are controlled by its declaration in the Document Type Definition (DTD) governing this kind of document.

If the attribute has not been explicitly assigned a value, but has been declared in the DTD, it will exist and have that default. Only if neither the document nor the DTD specifies a value will the Attribute really be considered absent and have no value; in that case, querying the attribute will return null.

Attributes may have multiple children that contain their data. (XML allows attributes to contain entity references, and tokenized attribute types such as NMTOKENS may have a child for each token.) For convenience, the Attribute object's getValue() method returns the string version of the attribute's value.

Attributes are not children of the Elements they belong to, in the usual sense, and have no valid Parent reference. However, the spec says they _do_ belong to a specific Element, and an INUSE exception is to be thrown if the user attempts to explicitly share them between elements.

Note that Elements do not permit attributes to appear to be shared (see the INUSE exception), so this object's mutability is officially not an issue.

Note: The ownerNode attribute is used to store the Element the Attr node is associated with. Attr nodes do not have parent nodes. Besides, the getOwnerElement() method can be used to get the element node this attribute is associated with.

AttrImpl does not support Namespaces. AttrNSImpl, which inherits from it, does.

AttrImpl used to inherit from ParentNode. It now directly inherits from NodeImpl and provide its own implementation of the ParentNode's behavior. The reason is that we now try and avoid to always create a Text node to hold the value of an attribute. The DOM spec requires it, so we still have to do it in case getFirstChild() is called for instance. The reason attribute values are stored as a list of nodes is so that they can carry more than a simple string. They can also contain EntityReference nodes. However, most of the times people only have a single string that they only set and get through Element.set/getAttribute or Attr.set/getValue. In this new version, the Attr node has a value pointer which can either be the String directly or a pointer to the first ChildNode. A flag tells which one it currently is. Note that while we try to stick with the direct String as much as possible once we've switched to a node there is no going back. This is because we have no way to know whether the application keeps referring to the node we once returned.

The gain in memory varies on the density of attributes in the document. But in the tests I've run I've seen up to 12% of memory gain. And the good thing is that it also leads to a slight gain in speed because we allocate fewer objects! I mean, that's until we have to actually create the node...

To avoid too much duplicated code, I got rid of ParentNode and renamed ChildAndParentNode, which I never really liked, to ParentNode for simplicity, this doesn't make much of a difference in memory usage because there are only very few objects that are only a Parent. This is only true now because AttrImpl now inherits directly from NodeImpl and has its own implementation of the ParentNode's node behavior. So there is still some duplicated code there.

This class doesn't directly support mutation events, however, it notifies the document when mutations are performed so that the document class do so.

WARNING: Some of the code here is partially duplicated in ParentNode, be careful to keep these two classes in sync!

See Also:
AttrNSImpl, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String name
          Attribute name.
protected static TextImpl textNode
protected  java.lang.Object value
          This can either be a String or the first child node.
Fields inherited from class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
Constructor Summary
protected AttrImpl()
protected AttrImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, java.lang.String name)
          Attribute has no public constructor.
Method Summary
 org.w3c.dom.Node cloneNode(boolean deep)
 org.w3c.dom.NodeList getChildNodes()
          Obtain a NodeList enumerating all children of this node.
 org.w3c.dom.Element getElement()
          Deprecated. Previous working draft of DOM Level 2. New method is getOwnerElement().
 org.w3c.dom.Node getFirstChild()
          The first child of this Node, or null if none.
 org.w3c.dom.Node getLastChild()
          The last child of this Node, or null if none.
 int getLength()
          NodeList method: Count the immediate children of this node
 java.lang.String getName()
          In Attributes, NodeName is considered a synonym for the attribute's Name
 java.lang.String getNodeName()
          Returns the attribute name
 short getNodeType()
          A short integer indicating what type of node this is.
 java.lang.String getNodeValue()
          In Attribute objects, NodeValue is considered a synonym for Value.
 org.w3c.dom.Element getOwnerElement()
          Returns the element node that this attribute is associated with, or null if the attribute has not been added to an element.
 boolean getSpecified()
          The "specified" flag is true if and only if this attribute's value was explicitly specified in the original document.
 java.lang.String getValue()
          The "string value" of an Attribute is its text representation, which in turn is a concatenation of the string values of its children.
 boolean hasChildNodes()
          Test whether this node has any children.
 org.w3c.dom.Node insertBefore(org.w3c.dom.Node newChild, org.w3c.dom.Node refChild)
          Move one or more node(s) to our list of children.
 boolean isEqualNode(org.w3c.dom.Node arg)
          DOM Level 3 WD- Experimental.
 org.w3c.dom.Node item(int index)
          NodeList method: Return the Nth immediate child of this node, or null if the index is out of bounds.
protected  void makeChildNode()
 void normalize()
 org.w3c.dom.Node removeChild(org.w3c.dom.Node oldChild)
          Remove a child from this Node.
 org.w3c.dom.Node replaceChild(org.w3c.dom.Node newChild, org.w3c.dom.Node oldChild)
          Make newChild occupy the location that oldChild used to have.
 void setIdAttribute(boolean id)
          NON-DOM: set the type of this attribute to be ID type.
 void setNodeValue(java.lang.String value)
          Implicit in the rerouting of getNodeValue to getValue is the need to redefine setNodeValue, for symmetry's sake.
 void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly, boolean deep)
          Override default behavior so that if deep is true, children are also toggled.
 void setSpecified(boolean arg)
          NON-DOM, for use by parser
 void setValue(java.lang.String newvalue)
          The DOM doesn't clearly define what setValue(null) means.
protected  void synchronizeChildren()
          Override this method in subclass to hook in efficient internal data structure.
 java.lang.String toString()
          NON-DOM method for debugging convenience
Methods inherited from class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
addEventListener, appendChild, changed, changes, compareTreePosition, dispatchEvent, getAttributes, getBaseURI, getInterface, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getReadOnly, getTextContent, getUserData, getUserData, hasAttributes, isDefaultNamespace, isSameNode, isSupported, lookupNamespacePrefix, lookupNamespaceURI, needsSyncChildren, removeEventListener, setPrefix, setTextContent, setUserData, setUserData, synchronizeData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.Object value
This can either be a String or the first child node.


protected java.lang.String name
Attribute name.


protected static TextImpl textNode
Constructor Detail


protected AttrImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument,
                   java.lang.String name)
Attribute has no public constructor. Please use the factory method in the Document class.


protected AttrImpl()
Method Detail


protected void makeChildNode()


public void setIdAttribute(boolean id)
NON-DOM: set the type of this attribute to be ID type.

id -  


public org.w3c.dom.Node cloneNode(boolean deep)

cloneNode in class NodeImpl


public short getNodeType()
A short integer indicating what type of node this is. The named constants for this value are defined in the org.w3c.dom.Node interface.

getNodeType in class NodeImpl


public java.lang.String getNodeName()
Returns the attribute name

getNodeName in class NodeImpl


public void setNodeValue(java.lang.String value)
                  throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Implicit in the rerouting of getNodeValue to getValue is the need to redefine setNodeValue, for symmetry's sake. Note that since we're explicitly providing a value, Specified should be set true.... even if that value equals the default.

setNodeValue in class NodeImpl


public java.lang.String getNodeValue()
In Attribute objects, NodeValue is considered a synonym for Value.

getNodeValue in class NodeImpl
See Also:


public java.lang.String getName()
In Attributes, NodeName is considered a synonym for the attribute's Name
Specified by:
getName in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr


public void setValue(java.lang.String newvalue)
The DOM doesn't clearly define what setValue(null) means. I've taken it as "remove all children", which from outside should appear similar to setting it to the empty string.
Specified by:
setValue in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr


public java.lang.String getValue()
The "string value" of an Attribute is its text representation, which in turn is a concatenation of the string values of its children.
Specified by:
getValue in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr


public boolean getSpecified()
The "specified" flag is true if and only if this attribute's value was explicitly specified in the original document. Note that the implementation, not the user, is in charge of this property. If the user asserts an Attribute value (even if it ends up having the same value as the default), it is considered a specified attribute. If you really want to revert to the default, delete the attribute from the Element, and the Implementation will re-assert the default (if any) in its place, with the appropriate specified=false setting.
Specified by:
getSpecified in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr


public org.w3c.dom.Element getElement()
Deprecated. Previous working draft of DOM Level 2. New method is getOwnerElement().
Returns the element node that this attribute is associated with, or null if the attribute has not been added to an element.

See Also:


public org.w3c.dom.Element getOwnerElement()
Returns the element node that this attribute is associated with, or null if the attribute has not been added to an element.
Specified by:
getOwnerElement in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr


public void normalize()

normalize in class NodeImpl


public void setSpecified(boolean arg)
NON-DOM, for use by parser


public java.lang.String toString()
NON-DOM method for debugging convenience

toString in class NodeImpl


public boolean hasChildNodes()
Test whether this node has any children. Convenience shorthand for (Node.getFirstChild()!=null)

hasChildNodes in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.NodeList getChildNodes()
Obtain a NodeList enumerating all children of this node. If there are none, an (initially) empty NodeList is returned.

NodeLists are "live"; as children are added/removed the NodeList will immediately reflect those changes. Also, the NodeList refers to the actual nodes, so changes to those nodes made via the DOM tree will be reflected in the NodeList and vice versa.

In this implementation, Nodes implement the NodeList interface and provide their own getChildNodes() support. Other DOMs may solve this differently.

getChildNodes in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.Node getFirstChild()
The first child of this Node, or null if none.

getFirstChild in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.Node getLastChild()
The last child of this Node, or null if none.

getLastChild in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.Node insertBefore(org.w3c.dom.Node newChild,
                                     org.w3c.dom.Node refChild)
                              throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Move one or more node(s) to our list of children. Note that this implicitly removes them from their previous parent.

newChild - The Node to be moved to our subtree. As a convenience feature, inserting a DocumentNode will instead insert all its children.
refChild - Current child which newChild should be placed immediately before. If refChild is null, the insertion occurs after all existing Nodes, like appendChild().
DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR) - if newChild is of a type that shouldn't be a child of this node, or if newChild is an ancestor of this node.
DOMException(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) - if newChild has a different owner document than we do.
DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR) - if refChild is not a child of this node.
DOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) - if this node is read-only.
insertBefore in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.Node removeChild(org.w3c.dom.Node oldChild)
                             throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Remove a child from this Node. The removed child's subtree remains intact so it may be re-inserted elsewhere.

oldChild, in its new state (removed).
DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR) - if oldChild is not a child of this node.
DOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) - if this node is read-only.
removeChild in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.Node replaceChild(org.w3c.dom.Node newChild,
                                     org.w3c.dom.Node oldChild)
                              throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Make newChild occupy the location that oldChild used to have. Note that newChild will first be removed from its previous parent, if any. Equivalent to inserting newChild before oldChild, then removing oldChild.

DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR) - if newChild is of a type that shouldn't be a child of this node, or if newChild is one of our ancestors.
DOMException(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) - if newChild has a different owner document than we do.
DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR) - if oldChild is not a child of this node.
DOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) - if this node is read-only.
replaceChild in class NodeImpl


public int getLength()
NodeList method: Count the immediate children of this node

getLength in class NodeImpl


public org.w3c.dom.Node item(int index)
NodeList method: Return the Nth immediate child of this node, or null if the index is out of bounds.

Index - int
item in class NodeImpl


public boolean isEqualNode(org.w3c.dom.Node arg)
DOM Level 3 WD- Experimental. Override inherited behavior from ParentNode to support deep equal. isEqualNode is always deep on Attr nodes.

isEqualNode in class NodeImpl


public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly,
                        boolean deep)
Override default behavior so that if deep is true, children are also toggled.

setReadOnly in class NodeImpl
See Also:

Note: this will not change the state of an EntityReference or its children, which are always read-only.


protected void synchronizeChildren()
Override this method in subclass to hook in efficient internal data structure.

Documentation is available at