BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference


Provides for deploying applications and standalone modules to server instances and clusters in a WebLogic Server domain.


Class Summary
ComponentTarget Stores the pair of target name of a component and the actual weblogic server where this component is activated.
DeployerRuntime This class is the singleton deployer that exists on Admin Servers.
DeploymentData Describes the targets involved in an application deployment.
DeploymentParams This class is used to set deployment parameters that needs to be passed to the j2ee/module containers for the deployment request executing on the current thread
TargetStatus Interface used within the deployment API for tracking target specific status of deployment requests.

Package Description

Provides for deploying applications and standalone modules to server instances and clusters in a WebLogic Server domain.

A deployment task is initiated through a DeployerRuntimeMBean - a singleton (an object for which only one instance exists) that resides on a WebLogic Administration Server. DeployerRuntimeMBean provides methods for distributing, starting, stopping, and undeploying a deployment unit. Each method returns a DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean that encapsulates the request and provides the means for tracking its progress.

Documentation is available at